Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

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Publication (3837)
Thesis (1810)
Project (261)
Researcher (143)
Open Course (6)
Research Data (1)

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Yes (3376)
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Erdil, Erkan (139)
Okyayuz, Mehmet (98)
Soytaş, Uğur (96)
ODTÜ, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (78)
Taymaz, Erol (74)

Turkey (171)
Economics and Econometrics (115)
International relations. (85)
General Social Sciences. (84)
Sociology and Political Science (73)

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1966 - 1979 (280)
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2000 - 2019 (3539)
2020 - 2024 (990)

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Journal Article (2410)
Master Thesis (1520)
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Conference Paper (404)
Ph.D. Thesis (290)

Recent Submissions

ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, Cilt 51, Sayı 2, 2024
ODTÜ, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (2024-12-27)
Social and Institutional Foundations of Solar Energy Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries The Case of Turkiye
Erden Topal, Yelda; Gürsoy Haksevenler, Betül Hande (2024-12-15)
Barely Alive? The Costs and Benefits of the EU-Turkey Statement on Irregular Migration
Kale Lack, Başak; Turhan, Ebru (2024-12)
The EU-Turkey Statement of March 2016 - also known as the EU-Turkey deal or the refugee deal - had strong underlying motivations both for the European Union (EU) and Turkey. For the EU, the EU-Turkey Statement aimed to lim...
What Accounts for the EU’s Actorness Within its “Geopolitical Awakening”?: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Effectiveness and Cohesion of the European Union
Alpan, Başak Zeynep; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem (2024-12)
Since mid-2010s, two concomitant processes have been going on in terms of the EU’s perspective on its foreign policy: The EU’s relatively proactive inclusion into some particular conflicts (and its deliberate self-exclusio...
Yet Another Spatio-Temporal Turn in the Turkey-EU Relations: The Continuing Saga of the “Cyprus Problem”
Öner Tangör, Neyyire Nilgün; Yalman, Osman Galip (2024-12)
The temporality of the Turkey-EU relations, coupled with the “state of affairs” of the Cyprus problem, reflected the “linkage politics” as initially opposed by Turkey. 2024 was the 30th anniversary of the so-called “Europe...
Turkey-EU Relations: Road to Nowhere or Hope for Progress? An Analysis in Light of the Enlargement Policy-Concepts, Tools and Prospects
Baykal, Senem (2024-12)
This study aims at analysing main approaches, concepts and tools of the recent enlargement wave of the European Union on the basis of the policy documents specific to the design and implementation of such policy. Analysis ...
Unwavering Aspirations: An Exploratory Analysis of the Resilience of Turkish Public Support for EU Membership
Şenyuva, Özgehan (2024-12)
This article explores the resilience of Turkish public support for European Union (EU) membership, despite significant political, economic, and diplomatic challenges in Türkiye-EU relations. Using secondary survey data, th...
Temporality and Interaction in the EU-Turkey Relationship
Aydın Düzgit, Senem (2024-12)
This article provides an assessment of the history of the EU-Turkey relationship in the context of temporality and interaction put forward by Eralp (2009). Eralp has argued that there is a close relationship between tempor...
Artificial Intelligence and Migration Governance: Navigating Cooperation and Complexity in European Union-Türkiye Relations
Yıldız, Ayselin; Arıkan Açar, Dilaver (2024-12)
Artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies are becoming significant in migration governance by introducing innovative tools for governing and estimating mobility, enabling data-driven analysis, and improving po...
Türkiye'de Ortadoğu çalışmalarının Akademik ve Toplumsal Temelleri
Altunışık, Meliha (2024-12-01)
CST Ecosystem Sociotechnical Outlook: Insights from Quadruple Helix Actors of EU countries and Turkiye
Eryılmaz, Hande; Erden Topal, Yelda (2024-10-09)
Designing a Holistic Policy Framework for the European Green Deal: Challenges and Opportunities through a Gender Inclusive Agenda
Erden Topal, Yelda; Eryılmaz, Hande (2024-10-09)
CST4ALL - Support to the Activities of the Concentrated Solar Thermal Technology Area of the SET Plan
Erden Topal, Yelda; Heller, Peter; Benitez, Daniel; Blanco Galvez, Julian; Sanchez, Ricardo; Turchetti, Luca; De Iuliis, Simona; Genikomsakis, Konstantinos; Baker, Derek Keıth; Eryılmaz, Hande; Günay, Alperen (2024-10-08)
Multi-Objective, Multi-Skill Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem: A Case Study of Mobile Social Care Units for Refugee Children
Demirer, Fatma Ece; Ulucan, Aydın (2024-10-03)
Turkey’s foreign policy toward Israel: co-existing of ideology and pragmatism in the age of global and regional shifts
Altunışık, Meliha (2024-10-01)
Econometric Analysis of Cryptocurrency Volatility: A Heterogenous Autoregressive Approach
Atak Atalık, Alev (Gazi Kitabevi, 2024-10-01)
Popülizm ve Rekabetçi Otoriterlik Bağlamında Bilime Bakış
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat; Köse, Tekin (2024-09-29)
Bu çalışma, Dünya’daki popülist ve otoriter eğilimlerle vatandaşların bilimsel topluluklara tutumları arasındaki bağı incelemektedir. Çalışma, özellikle siyasi iktidarın gücünün yanlı ve anti-demokratik şekilde iktidar ...
Otonom Silahlar ve Uluslararası Toplum
Bahçecik, Şerif Onur (2024-09-20)
The 2024 local elections in Turkey: a critical juncture for Turkish democracy?
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat (2024-09-14)
The 2024 local elections in Turkey have surprised many domestic and international observers alike as the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has faced its first nation-wide defeat since its meteoric rise in Turkish ...
The EU Linkage and Leverage in Times of Democratic Backsliding: An Empirical Investigation of Emerging Democracies in Europe
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat; Uğur Çınar, Meral (2024-09-13)
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