Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

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Erdil, Erkan (124)
Okyayuz, Mehmet (99)
Soytaş, Uğur (96)
ODTÜ, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (79)
Taymaz, Erol (71)

Turkey (171)
Economics and Econometrics (115)
International relations. (85)
General Social Sciences. (84)
Sociology and Political Science (73)

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Recent Submissions

Sample of Turkish Multi-Owner Firms' Registeries, Articles of Associations, 1957-1994
Ağır, Münis Seven (2024-9-05)
The dataset is extracted from a representative sample of all multi-owner firms in Turkey, constructed using the online search engine of the Gazette published by the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (Ticare...
Energy transition and non-energy firms’ financial performance: Do markets value capability-based energy transition strategies?
Sirin, Selahattin Murat; Yılmaz, Berna Nisa (2024-08-01)
Energy transition has become a major challenge that will shape the global agenda in the coming decades. In addition to governments and major energy firms, non-energy firms also play a significant role in the energy transit...
Çıplak Modernleşme: 1930'lar Türkiye'sinde Erotik Mizah Dergilerinin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü
Çolak, Erdem (2024-08-01)
Women and the Economic Field: Cooperatives and Capital in Turkey
Uğur Çınar, Meral; Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat; Köse, Tekin (2024-7-01)
This article aims to analytically dissect the interrelated reasons behind the gender gap in wealth accumulation. To do so, it examines how the accumulation of different forms of capital by women in the course of their live...
The architecture of democratic stamina: democratic backsliding and democratic resilience in post-World War II Europe
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat; Uğur Çınar, Meral (2024-06-26)
• “The Role of Migration Diplomacy in Bilateral and Multilateral Relations: The Case of Turkey-EU Relations”,
Kale Lack, Başak (2024-06-22)
Şirikçi, Nil İpek (2024-06-01)
We compute the Morse index of a critical submanifold of the energy functional on the loop space of a manifold with constant sectional curvature. The case of constant non-positive sectional curvature is a known result and t...
Neoliberal küreselleşme döneminde bağımlılığı yeniden düşünmek: “Büyük kavuşma” mı, bağımlı kalkınma mı?
Bartan, Ahmet Çağrı (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
1980’ler itibarıyla ivme kazanan küreselleşme ve neoliberalleşmenin etkisi altında dönüşen dünya ekonomisi, özellikle Uluslararası Siyasal İktisat ve Uluslararası Kalkınma alanlarındaki çalışmalarda bağımlılık tezinin geçe...
Eleştirel siyasal iktisat perspektifinden merkez bankası bağımsızlığı: 2008 finansal krizi sonrası değişen merkez bankacılığı ve Türkiye
Başarangil, Derya (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de merkez bankası bağımsızlığına ilişkin son dönemdeki tartışmanın eksik bıraktığı yönleri belirterek, bu tartışmanın 2008 Küresel Finansal Krizi sonrası merkez bankalarının bağımsızlık çerçeve...
Effects of situational and structural factors on co-creation in retail stores
Tarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna; Kalender, Yunus; Doğan, Volkan (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
This paper focuses on the dialogical components of a service relationship and their effects on co-creation. We attempt to investigate the effects of one situational variable (partner’s perceptions of the other partner’s re...
Türkiye GSYH büyümesinin MIDAS ile şimdi tahmini
Bayar, Güzin; Kargı, Melekgül; Kuş, Baki Ozan (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
GSYH büyümesi ekonominin durumunu ve potansiyelini gösteren önemli bir gösterge olarak algılanmaktadır ve ekonomik birimler büyüme oranlarını yakın şekilde takip etmektedir. Ancak pek çok ülkede GSYH istatistikleri hem çey...
METU Studies in Development Report of the Editor - 2023
ODTÜ, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
The nonlinear effect of body mass index on economic growth, human capital, productivity, and savings: A cross-country study
Tansel, Aysıt; Öztürk, Ceyhan; Erdil, Erkan (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 2024-6)
We examine the association between wealth and health using economic growth and development indicators and body mass index as the proxy variable for health. Empirically, the economic indicators utilized are gross domestic p...
‘The EU responses towards migration in East Mediterranean’
Kale Lack, Başak (2024-05-17)
International Financial Integration, Income Inequality, and Growth: An Emerging Markets Perspective
Yıldırım, Zal; Şendeniz Yüncü, İlkay (2024-05-14)
'Yerli ve Milli Kültür': Erdoğan'ın 'Yeni Türkiye'sinin Kültür Politikaları
Çolak, Erdem (2024-05-01)
The events that have happened since 2002, when the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power, contain rich research topics that need to be examined for many years by social scientists who work on Turkey. However, A...
Özgecilik (Diğerkamlık )Davranışın İncelenmesi: Kişilik Özelliklerinin, Risk Tutumunun, Cinsiyetin ve COVID-19 Korkusunun Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerinde Etkisi
Şimşek, Şeyma; Özdemir, Özlem (2024-04-20)
Decoding ESG Performance with NLP at Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index
Atak Atalık, Alev (2024-04-18)
Opportunities and challenges of geothermal energy in Turkiye
Korucan, Aysun; Derin Güre, Pınar; Celebi, Bertug; Baker, Derek Keıth; Vander Velde, Madeline (2024-04-01)
As a domestic and non-intermittent resource, geothermal energy offers countries a clean and sustainable energy option while setting their energy mix strategies. Turkiye, endowed with rich energy fields, stands out as one o...
Globalisation and governance: Thresholds for the impacts of the main determinants of capital inflows?
Özmen, Erdal; Taşdemir, Fatma (2024-04-01)
This paper investigates whether the impacts of the main push (global financial conditions, GFC) and pull (growth) factors on capital inflows are invariant to endogenously estimated threshold levels for structural domestic ...
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