Connecting Data and Chance

Konold, Cliff
Kazak, Sibel
The Research Presession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


Connecting the dots: understanding professional development needs of Istanbul’s makers for circular economy
Bakırlıoğlu, Yekta; Ramirez Galleguillos, Maria Laura; Bensason, Ivon; Yantaç, Asim Evren; Coşkun, Aykut (2021-06-14)
With the dissemination and increased accessibility of makerspaces (e.g. fab labs, creative hubs, learning platforms), cities now present an opportunity for loosely managed, distributed fabrication opportunities to recapture embedded value in products and resources and re-distribute them for the benefit of the city. Istanbul Metropolitan City, with its rather large population and land, as well as 24 active makerspaces focusing on different industries and fabrication opportunities (e.g. education, entrepreneu...
Capturing peer research mentoring experience in undergraduate education: a qualitative case study
Can, İclal; Gelmez Burakgazi, Sevinç; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim; Coşkun, Muhammed (2019-07-12)
Harnessing children's creativity in contextmapping activities
Özakar, Aslı Deniz; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Gilen, Mathieu; Department of Industrial Design (2010)
Recently developed co-design methods ask for users’ creative outcomes all through the design process. Designers are familiar with the creative process but users are not. The heuristic tasks given to users should reveal their creativity and harness it for high-quality outcomes. Contextmapping is a new co-design method following the same need as others; the method involves generative sessions in which users are asked to create artifacts communicating their needs and dreams about future products. Children are ...
Tracing Successful Online Teaching in Higher Education: Voices of Exemplary Online Teachers
Baran, Evrim; Correia, Ana-Paula; Thompson, Ann D. (2013-03-01)
Background: Although advances in distance learning have shown signs of a reconfiguration of the teacher's role in online environments, a large number of online teaching practices still do not show many signs of this shift. Given the need for a change in pedagogies, investigating how exemplary teachers transfer their thinking, pedagogical knowledge, and beliefs to successful online teaching is critical to understanding new online learning and teaching practices. The research on online teacher roles and pract...
Capturing Peer Research Mentoring Experience in Undergraduate Education: A Qualitative Case Study Lisans Eğitiminde Akran Araştırma Danışmanlığı Deneyimi: Nitel Bir Durum Çalışması
Can, Iclal; Burakgazi, Sevinç Gelmez; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim; Coşkun, Muhammet (2022-1-01)
All rights reserved.The purpose of this study was to capture the peer research mentoring experience of pre-service school counselors who were involved in a Peer Research Mentoring Program deployed at an undergraduate level Research Methods course. We used a qualitative case study and employed criterion sampling to recruit 10 pre-service school counselors who had completed the Research Methods course at an international university in Northern Cyprus as research mentors. We paired up the research mentors with...
Citation Formats
C. Konold and S. Kazak, “Connecting Data and Chance,” presented at the The Research Presession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: