Finding an Energy Efficient Path for a Plug-In Electric Vehicle via Speed Optimization

In recent years, due to increased environmental and social awareness, sustainability related studies have gained popularity. Due to their adverse effects to the environment, greenhouse gas emission reduction has been a major concern in several areas of studies. In particular, there has been an increased interest in the logistics sector to control carbon dioxide emissions. The use of electric vehicles has a great potential due to their lower tailpipe carbon dioxide emissions compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines. In the direction of this advantage, a problem for Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEVs) is proposed in this study. Given an origin-destination pair over a directed network, the problem of determining a path joining origin and destination, the speed of a plug-in electric vehicle on each road segment, i.e., arc, along the path, the charging stations the vehicle will stop by, and how much to recharge at each stop so as to minimize the total amount energy consumption of the vehicle is considered. There are speed limits on each road segment, and the vehicle has to arrive at the destination on or before a given time-limit. For this problem, a mixed-integer second order cone programming formulation is proposed. Secondly, to be able to solve larger size instances, a matheuristic is developed. Lastly, an iterated local search (ILS) algorithm is designed for this problem. Solution quality and computation times of the heuristics and the exact algorithm are compared.
32nd European Conference on Operational Research


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Evaluation of Walkability and Pedestrian Level of Service
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Citation Formats
B. Erdoğan, M. K. Tural, and A. Atashi Khoei, “Finding an Energy Efficient Path for a Plug-In Electric Vehicle via Speed Optimization,” presented at the 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finlandiya, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: