Effect of electrode configuration in electrofiltration.

Genç, Ayten


Effect of estimation in goodness-of-fit tests
Eren, Emrah; Sürücü, Barış; Department of Statistics (2009)
In statistical analysis, distributional assumptions are needed to apply parametric procedures. Assumptions about underlying distribution should be true for accurate statistical inferences. Goodness-of-fit tests are used for checking the validity of the distributional assumptions. To apply some of the goodness-of-fit tests, the unknown population parameters are estimated. The null distributions of test statistics become complicated or depend on the unknown parameters if population parameters are replaced by ...
The Effects of inspection error and rework on quality loss for a nominal-the-best type quality characteristic
Taşeli, Aysun; Köksal, Gülser; Department of Industrial Engineering (2004)
Taguchi defines quality loss as the loss imposed to the consumer for each unit of deviation from the target consumer requirements. In this thesis, the effects of inspection error and rework on quality loss are studied for a nominal-the-best type quality characteristic. The distribution of the quality characteristic in a production environment where there are inspection error and a separate rework facility is investigated. 100 % inspection policy is considered. After deriving the mean and variance of the res...
The application of disaggregation methods to the unemployment rate of Turkey
Tüker, Utku Göksel; Yozgatlıgil, Ceylan; Department of Statistics (2010)
Modeling and forecasting of the unemployment rate of a country is very important to be able to take precautions on the governmental policies. The available unemployment rate data of Turkey provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) are not in suitable format to have a time series model. The unemployment rate data between 1988 and 2009 create a problem of building a reliable time series model due to the insufficient number and irregular form of observations. The application of disaggregation me...
Robust control charts
Çetinyürek, Aysun; Sürücü, Barış; Department of Statistics (2006)
Control charts are one of the most commonly used tools in statistical process control. A prominent feature of the statistical process control is the Shewhart control chart that depends on the assumption of normality. However, violations of underlying normality assumption are common in practice. For this reason, control charts for symmetric distributions for both long- and short-tailed distributions are constructed by using least squares estimators and the robust estimators -modified maximum likelihood, trim...
A computational approach to nonparametric regression: bootstrapping cmars method
Yazıcı, Ceyda; Batmaz, İnci; Department of Statistics (2011)
Bootstrapping is a resampling technique which treats the original data set as a population and draws samples from it with replacement. This technique is widely used, especially, in mathematically intractable problems. In this study, it is used to obtain the empirical distributions of the parameters to determine whether they are statistically significant or not in a special case of nonparametric regression, Conic Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (CMARS). Here, the CMARS method, which uses conic quadr...
Citation Formats
A. Genç, “Effect of electrode configuration in electrofiltration.,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.