The Effects of inspection error and rework on quality loss for a nominal-the-best type quality characteristic

Taşeli, Aysun
Taguchi defines quality loss as the loss imposed to the consumer for each unit of deviation from the target consumer requirements. In this thesis, the effects of inspection error and rework on quality loss are studied for a nominal-the-best type quality characteristic. The distribution of the quality characteristic in a production environment where there are inspection error and a separate rework facility is investigated. 100 % inspection policy is considered. After deriving the mean and variance of the resulting distribution of the quality characteristic, the true and simulated quality loss values for a number of scenarios are calculated. Furthermore, effects of deviation of the process mean from the target and variance of the rework are studied besides inspection error and process capability through a full factor factorial experimental design. Results are discussed for possible uses as quality improvement project selection criteria.


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Citation Formats
A. Taşeli, “The Effects of inspection error and rework on quality loss for a nominal-the-best type quality characteristic,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.