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Mental rotation test performance of universıty students: eye tracking study
Bahçıvan, Eda
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Mental rotation is defined as the ability that to mentally transform two-or three-dimensional objects. (Taragin etc., 2019). It is identified as the most important spatial ability that varies regarding individual differences. (Rafi et al. 2005; Turos and Ervin 2000). Gender differences and different academic programs affect mental rotation test performance. Thus, it is significant to understand whether students who have different gender and are enrolled in different academic programs perform differently in mental rotation tests (MRTs). In the literature, numerous studies have documented that gender differences affect mental rotation test performance, but there are. Few studies, which have documented the impact of different academic programs on mental rotation test performance. In investigating the mental rotation test performance of students, there is a need to investigate the effect of being enrolled in different academic programs on performance, as well as investigating the gender difference. Sixty-four university students aged between 18-27 who enrolled in different academic programs at Middle East Technical University completed the MRT using the identical test procedures throughout the entire study. As a result of mental rotation test performance on gender differences in easy level MRT, male participants’ test performance is more positive than female participants’ test performance while female participants’ test performance is more positive than male participants’ in difficult level MRT. In mental rotation test performance on different academic backgrounds both easy and difficult level MRT, science group participants’ test performance is more positive than humanities major group participants’ test performance
Subject Keywords
Mental Rotation
Spatial ability
Eye tracking
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Bahçıvan, “Mental rotation test performance of universıty students: eye tracking study,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.