Finite element simulation of visco-plastic deformation on micro-computers

Özkan, Cengiz Sinan


Finite element simulation of rigid-plastic deformation on micro-computers
Gür, Cemil Hakan; Ankara, Alpay; Tekkaya, A. Erman; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1989)
Finite element modeling of micro particle separation using ultrasonic standing waves
Süleyman, Büyükkoçak; Çetin, Barbaros; Özer, Mehmet Bülent (2014-08-07)
Acoustophoresis which means separation of particles and cells using acoustic waves is becoming an intensive research subject. The method is based on inducing an ultrasonic compression standing wave inside a microchannel. A finite element approach is used to model the acoustic and electro-mechanical behavior of the piezoelectric material, the micro-channel geometry as well as the fluid inside the channel. The choices of silicon and PDMS materials are investigated as the chip materials for the resonator. A se...
Finite element simulation of quench hardening
Gür, Cemil Hakan (1996-07-01)
In this study, an efficient finite element model for predicting the temperature field, volume fraction of phases and the evolution of internal stresses up to the residual stress states during quenching of axisymmetrical steel components is developed and implemented. The temperature distribution is determined by considering heat losses to the quenching medium as well as latent heat due to phase transformations. Phase transformations are modelled by discretizing the cooling cuves in a succession of isothermal...
Finite element simulation of viscous incompressible laminar flow over two-dimensional bodies
Mohamed, Mohamud Abdirahman; Aksel, M.Haluk; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1991)
Finite element modeling of stress evolution in quenching process
Doğu, Doruk; Gür, Cemil Hakan; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2005)
In this thesis the finite element computer code QUEANA simulating the quenching of axisymetric parts and determining the residual stress state was improved by adding pre- and post-processors. The code was further verified by additional numerical experiments and comparison of the results with commercial software أMARCؤ. The possible applications of this code are optimization of industrial quenching processes by controlling the evolution of internal stresses and dimensional changes.
Citation Formats
C. S. Özkan, “Finite element simulation of visco-plastic deformation on micro-computers,” Middle East Technical University, 1989.