DNA repair and plasmid analysis in Bacillus thuringiensis

Shareff, Syed Rizman


Moleculer genetics of cryI- and cryII- crystal protein synthesis in bacillus thuringiensis 81 and cloning of cryIA(C) gene in E.coli.
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Biological network modelling based on differentially expressed proteins in a bacilysin-deficient strain of bacillus subtilis
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Bacillus subtilis is a non-pathogenic, Gram-positive organism which is known for producing a broad range of secondary metabolites with pharmacological and antimicrobial activities. The dipeptide bacilysin is one of the many antibiotics synthesized by certain strains of B. subtilis, and it is composed of L-alanine and the non-proteinogenic amino acid L-anticapsin. Earlier silencing studies by our group have suggested that bacilysin acts as a pleiotropic molecule on its host. Therefore, the absence or lack of...
Personality attributes as predictors of psychological well-being for NCOs
SÜMER, HAYRİYE CANAN; Bilgiç, Reyhan; SÜMER, NEBİ; Erol, T (2005-11-01)
The authors examined the nature of the relationships between job-specific personality dimensions and psychological well-being for noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF). A job-specific personality inventory, comprising measures of 11 personality dimensions was developed for selection purposes. The inventory was administered to a representative sample of 1,428 NCOs along with a general mental health inventory developed by the authors, which consisted of 6 dimensions of psychologica...
Radiation effect on polyadenylic acid in aqueous solution
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Personality traits and individual differences as the predictors of attitude toward motor insurance in Turkey
Yalıngök Kızıltaş, Esma; Öner Özkan, Bengi; Department of Psychology (2012)
This study was aimed to identify the personality traits and individual differences that might predict the attitude toward motor insurance in Turkey. Demographic information, personality traits, self-esteem and locus of control were explored as the predictors of attitude toward motor insurance. Results were obtained from 343 people (201 males, 142 females) who participated an online questionnaire through internet or completed the printed form. Computer administered multi scaled questionnaire and printed form...
Citation Formats
S. R. Shareff, “DNA repair and plasmid analysis in Bacillus thuringiensis,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1988.