Students' evaluation of an on-line reading course and their attitudes towards on-line instruction: a case study

Sağın, Çiğdem


Students' perceptions toward an on-line exam: a case study
Erdem, Fatma Betül; Yıldırım, İ. Soner; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2001)
Students' understanding of matter: The effect of reasoning ability and grade level
YILMAZ, AYHAN; Şahin, Elvan (2006-01-01)
This study aims at investigating the effect of grade level on students' achievement in matter concept and reasoning abilities, when their test anxiety was controlled. The data was collected from 8th, 10th and 11th grade students by the administration of The Matter Concept Test, Test of Logical Thinking, and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of grade level on students' achievement in favor of 11th grade students and the linear combin...
Students' perceptions about online assessment : a case study
Şanlı, Refik; Özden, M. Yaşar; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2003)
For many reasons, the use of computer based of assessment is increasing. Although there is an increasing usage of computer based exams, there are not enough researches about student perception towards online assessment in general and perception of students towards categorized fields of online assessment systems. To figure out the students' perceptions of online assessment an exam web site has been developed and implemented. This web site is a database driven web site and containing multiple choice questions...
Students' experiences and perceptions of anxiety, motivation, and self-confidence in speaking English during task-based language learning activities in second life: the case of METU
Kamalı, Tuğba; Bulu, Saniye Tuğba; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2012)
3D virtual worlds are emerging distance education technologies that offer collaborative learning environments and provide effective ways to apply task-based activities. The aim of this case study was to examine the contribution of task-based language learning in 3D virtual worlds to speak English as a foreign language among university preparatory class students in terms of anxiety, motivation, and self-confidence. Therefore, different English speaking practice tasks/activities were designed in Second Life. ...
Students' achievement in matter concepts: A cross-age study.
Ertepınar, Hamide; Yilmaz, A; Sungur, Semra; Tekkaya, C (2004-08-22)
Citation Formats
Ç. Sağın, “Students’ evaluation of an on-line reading course and their attitudes towards on-line instruction: a case study,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.