Unity in diversity? changing threat perception and security considerations of India in the post-cold war era

Şengül, Serdar


Unity through Borders
Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık (null; 2015-12-13)
Autonomy or loyalty? Community-within-community interactions of a local football fandom group
Kaygan, Harun; Ay, Utku (2021-01-01)
Fandom communities adopt diverse consumption practices to cope with an overwhelmingly commodified football. Drawing upon literature on consumer communities, this paper examines a local football fandom community in multifarious relations with its broader fandom through divergent consumption practices, which create tensions and ambivalences in terms of the former’s autonomy from and loyalty to the latter. Based on observations and interviews with community members, the paper describes how the community’s prod...
Solidarity Clashes with Geopolitics in EU-Turkey Relations
Düzgit, Senem; Şenyuva, Özgehan (Springer, London/Berlin , 2022-01-01)
COVID-19 hit Turkey and the EU (European Union) at a time when bilateral relations were already strained. Early in March, the two sides were engaged in a bitter conflict regarding migration, among other issues. The dominant perception in the country was that the EU was showing little solidarity with Turkey in managing irregular migration. As the COVID-19 crisis deepened, with both the humanitarian and the economic repercussions taking their toll, bilateral conflicts briefly gave way to acts of...
Collaboration among small shippers in a transportation market
Yilmaz, Ozhan; Savaşaneril Tüfekci, Seçil (2012-04-16)
Intense competition in markets is pushing companies to increase their operational efficiency. One possible way to achieve increased efficiency is through cooperation with other companies. We study the coalition formation among small shippers in a transportation market characterized by uncertain demand. We analyze the decisions taken by the coalition and study the effect of shipper characteristics on the benefit of collaboration. Analysis shows that the shippers always benefit from the coalition, but when th...
Convergence in Public Sector Upsizing/Downsizing: An Analysis of Post-Communist Countries and the EU
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat (2018-12-01)
Citation Formats
S. Şengül, “Unity in diversity? changing threat perception and security considerations of India in the post-cold war era,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.