A Path analytic study for English language attitude and students' background characteristics in an elt program : A case study

Küçüksüleymanoğlu, Rüyam Ağan


A qualitative case study of ELT pre-service teachers: Gains of study abroad and perceptions of ICC
Temel, Büşra; Eröz , Betil; Department of English Language Teaching (2022-6)
This study investigated perceived gains of study abroad experiences and perceptions of ICC and interculturally competent speaker of pre-service English teachers with previous short-term Erasmus+ experiences. The cohort consisted of seven senior prospective teachers at METU who were in their last semester in the FLE program taking their practicum course. The researcher collected multiple forms of data via qualitative means: a background questionnaire, an online sharing platform (WhatsApp), two semi-structure...
A Mixed methods study of teacher-child interaction quality and teacher beliefs in early childhood education /
Çobanoğlu, Rahime; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim; Yıldırım, Ali; Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2017)
This study examined teacher-child interaction quality in preschool classrooms, some aspects of early childhood teachers’ beliefs (i.e., beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice, beliefs about developmentally inappropriate practice, teacher self-efficacy, and general teaching efficacy), and the interplay between them through a mixed methods research design. Data were collected through teacher survey and interviews, and structured and unstructured classroom observations. A sample of 47 teachers sele...
A qualitative inquiry of employees’ workplace learning experience : a case of a financial organization
Ülgen, Erden; Yıldırım, Zahide; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2014)
This study aimed to explore perceptions of the workers regarding formal and informal learning experiences in the branch office of a financial organization and to suggest approaches that can be used for improving workplace learning environments. Qualitative research design was used in this study. Sample was selected from a financial organization‘s branch offices in Ankara through convenience sampling. Convenience sampling was also used for the selection of the informants. The participants of the study were 1...
A needs assessment study on English language needs of the tour guidance students of Faculty of Applied Sciences at Başkent University : a case study
Ekici, Neşe; Paykoç, Fersun; Department of Educational Sciences (2003)
The purpose of this study was to examine the English language needs of Tour Guidance students of Faculty of Applied Sciences at Başkent University by referring to the perceptions of students, English instructors and curriculum coordinators and to see whether there was a relationship between students₂ attitude towards English language and their self ratings of learning and target needs. The data collection instruments used for the study were the attitude scale and student needs assessment questionnaire admin...
A qualitative case study of prospective chemistry teachers knowledge about instructional strategies Introducing particulate theory
Boz, Nihat; Boz, Yezdan (2008-01-01)
The purpose of this study was to investigate prospective chemistry teachers’ knowledge about instructional strategies, one component of pedagogical content knowledge about introducing particulate theory, as well as sources of this knowledge. Twenty-two prospective chemistry teachers participated in the study. Data were collected by the means of a vignette, semistructured interviews, and lesson plans. Analysis showed that concrete objects, computer animations, and expository teaching were the preferred teach...
Citation Formats
R. A. Küçüksüleymanoğlu, “A Path analytic study for English language attitude and students’ background characteristics in an elt program : A case study,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.