Impacts of provision of urban services and facilities on the political attitudes of the squatter dwellers -A Case study in two squatter settlement areas, in Ankara

Şahin, Yusuf


Impacts of Recently Developed Squatter Settlements Transformation Projects on Urban Heat Islands: A Comparative Study in the City of Ankara
Çakmaklı, Ayşem Berrin; Baş Bütüner, Funda (2017-10-17)
Impacts Of Recently Developed Squatter Settlements Transformation Projects On Urban Heat Islands: A Comperative Study In The City Of Ankara,
Çakmaklı, Ayşem Berrin; Baş Bütüner, Funda (null; 2018-10-19)
Türkiye’deki Silahlı Çatışmanın Eğitimsel Erişime Etkileri: Bir Nesil Analizi
Berker, Ali (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2012-8-1)
Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin en önemli sorunlarından biri olan Kürt sorununun bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan ve yaklaşık son 30 yıldır devam eden silahlı çatışmanın eğitimsel erişime etkisini incelemektedir. Türkiye’deki silahlı çatışmanın etkilerinin incelenmesinde ortaya çıkabilecek ekonometrik problemlerin üstesinden gelebilmek amacıyla farkların-farkı (F-F) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntem çerçevesinde, çatışma ortamına maruz kalmadaki iller ve kuşaklar arasında gerçekleşen değişkenlik kullanılarak çatışman...
Impacts of Seaplanes and Seaports on the Perception and Conception of the Modern City: The Case of Istanbul
Zelef, Mustafa Haluk (2014-11-01)
This article focuses on the waterscape of Istanbul, uncovering an episode in the city's urban history based on this main geographic characteristic. It studies the novel civil seaplane transportation technologies of the 1920s and 1930s, analyzing their actual and possible impacts on the city. These planes provided not only a rapid link between the city and Europe but also a new vantage point for the perception of its natural and built environment. The aircraft were also planned to play innovative roles in th...
Impacts of policy changes on Turkish agriculture : an optimization model with maximum entropy
Eruygur, H. Ozan; Çakmak, Erol; Department of Economics (2006)
Turkey moves towards integration with EU since 1963. The membership will involve full liberalization of trade in agricultural products with EU. The impact of liberalization depends on the path of agricultural policies in Turkey and the EU. On the other hand, agricultural protection continues to be the most controversial issue in global trade negotiations of World Trade Organization (WTO). To evaluate the impacts of policy scenarios, an economic modeling approach based on non-linear mathematical programming ...
Citation Formats
Y. Şahin, “Impacts of provision of urban services and facilities on the political attitudes of the squatter dwellers -A Case study in two squatter settlement areas, in Ankara,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.