Development and aplication of control charts for an aircraft wing tıp part production process.

Şahinsev, Gülay


Development and benchmark of an electrostatic PIC/MCC numerical code for simulation of gas discharge plasmas
Arda, İbrahim; Rafatov, İsmail; Department of Physics (2023-1-10)
This work deals with the development of the Particle-in-Cell/Monte Carlo Collision (PIC/MCC) numerical code for simulations of gas discharge plasmas. The study of these discharges is stimulated by various scientific and technological applications, which include surface modification, etching, lasers, spacecraft thrusters, plasma displays, and biomedicine. The efficient adoption of these discharges as sources of plasma for these applications depends on the ability to control plasma properties in the relevant ...
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Durmuş, Salih Zeki; Department of Electrical Engineering (1985)
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Uslay, Serhat; Department of Electrical Engineering (1984)
Development and Application of Three-Tier Heat and Temperature Test: Sample of Bachelor and Graduate Students
Eryılmaz, Ali (2010-06-01)
Background of Study: Two-tier items compensate the limitation of simple multiple choice items that cannot measure the reason of selection of the alternatives. Three-tier items compensate the limitation of two-tier items that cannot measure the certainty of the responses. It is not common to use three-tier tests in the literature and there are validity and reliability problems with three-tier tests.
Citation Formats
G. Şahinsev, “Development and aplication of control charts for an aircraft wing tıp part production process.,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2002.