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Housing management models and household behaviour
Kızıldağ, Yelda
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A significantly large stock of housing has been realised In Turkey during the past five decades, building the cities almost entirely anew. This has shifted the central concern from production, design and ownership issues in the housing sector to that of housing management. The major problem in housing for the coming decades is not how to maintain the growth of the stock further, but how to efficiently use and improve the existing assets. Currently, no central or local authority is responsible for the management, running or control at any scale, but only the residents and property owners responsibilities exist at the individual plot scale. There is evidence of greater efficiency however, for the need of housing management at supra-plot scales. The hypothesis of the study in this context is that no part of the stock is without problems in terms of management. This is empirically investigated by two complementary analyses based on two distinct surveys. The first analysis demonstrated that the role of tenure and income on expenditures on housing, especially expenditures for repairs and maintenance are dominant. A three-fold difference is observed between tenants and owner-occupiers, and 10 times between households of highest and lowest incomes. Expenditures for repairs and maintenance is 1.9 times greater in the apartment stock and 1.2 times more in the ءgecekondu̕ dwellings than in individual ءhouses̕. Lowest levels of expenditures are observed in oldest part of the stock, in less developed neighbourhoods, and in stock with lowest rental values. According to the results of the second analysis, organisational tendencies of household groups varying in their characteristics are not sharply differentiated as in their expenditures. One most significant factor is tenure. Tenants are observed to have a weaker sense of dedication and identity in the dwellings they occupy and in
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Y. Kızıldağ, “Housing management models and household behaviour,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.