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Effectiveness of Anatolian teacher high schools in terms of serving their intended purpose
Başaran, Semra Tican
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Anatolian Teacher High Schools (ATHSs) in terms of serving their intended purpose. The research design of the study comprised a nation-wide survey and document analysis. The sample for the survey consisted of 1026 students, 612 teachers, 877 parents and 259 graduates selected through stratified random sampling over 33 ATHSs across 32 provinces in Turkey, and 302 prospective teachers, selected through cluster sampling, in Gazi University Faculty of Education. Two distinct instruments were used for data collection; survey questionnaires containing multiple choice and open-ended questions; and attitude scales containing five-point Likert type questions. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics, t-test and two-way ANOVA were conducted. The open-ended questions were analyzed via content analysis. Results indicated that students, graduates, teachers, parents and administrators described ATHSs as the ideal schools for students who want to enter university and/or become teachers. Students and their parents prefer ATHSs in order to guarantee a university program for a career with the guarantee of finding a job. During the four years in ATHSs students are offered quality education and their attitudes toward the teaching profession have developed positively. More than half of the graduates entered a university program, a great majority of which entered teacher-training programs. ATHS graduates studying in teacher training programs are different from their classmates graduated from other high schools with respect to preferring teaching as a profession, the priority they gave to the teacher training programs in the university entrance exam, university entrance exam scores, academic achievement in teacher training programs and commitment to teaching as a lifelong career however they are not different with
Subject Keywords
Teacher Training in Universities and Colleges.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
An assessment of pre-service teacher education program in relation to technology training for future practice : a case of primary school teacher education program, Burdur
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A comparison of professional qualities of two groups of prospective English teachers
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Citation Formats
S. T. Başaran, “Effectiveness of Anatolian teacher high schools in terms of serving their intended purpose,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2004.