Investigation of design as the next step in software product evolution : an analysis of added values

Dino, Ekin
Software products are tools that find more uses in the society every day, both professionally and in daily lives of members of the society. This thesis focuses on the problems and possibilities related to current software products. By analysis of the problems and current issues in the software field, possible contribution of a design-oriented approach to software products is explored. The thesis is supported by a study in the form of a semi-structured observation.


Users attitudes towards products: effects of ownership and software existance
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Technological developments cause products to include more software which become a part of products and a determiner of product characteristics. Today’s way of life surrounded by technological developments caused users to engage in inevitable interaction with products. By means of that interaction, users’ way of meeting their needs and attitudes towards products shaped in both functional and emotional dimensions. Although users’ attitudes seem to be governing this process, the nature and the characteristics ...
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Elgedawy, I. (IBM, 2011-01-01)
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Protic, Milan; Fathurrahman, Fahman; Raos, Miomir (Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, 2019-02-01)
The objectives of the study are twofold. First, we aim to examine the most influential socio-economic indicators to explain energy consumption in Republic of Serbia. The second objective is to develop models that are able to predict the future energy consumption in the Republic of Serbia. This could be the first important step towards proper energy management in the country. Several potential socio-economic indicators are selected to be the independent variables. Regression analysis is conducted to select t...
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Akçay, Didem; Öktem, Hakan; Department of Scientific Computing (2005)
Inference of regulatory networks has received attention of researchers from many fields. The challenge offered by this problem is its being a typical modeling problem under insufficient information about the process. Hence, we need to derive the apriori unavailable information from the empirical observations. Modeling by inference consists of selecting or defining the most appropriate model structure and inferring the parameters. An appropriate model structure should have the following properties. The model...
Investigation of community of inquiry framework in regard to self-regulation, metacognition and motivation
KİLİS, SELCAN; Yıldırım, Zahide (Elsevier BV, 2018-11-01)
Following theoretical frameworks including social-cognitive theory, constructivism and creating collaborative learning community, this correlational study elucidates the community of inquiry framework in regard to self-regulation, metacognition, and motivation in an online learning setting. Data were collected from 1535 students enrolled to an online Information and Communication Technology-I course offered by the Department of Informatics at a well-known public university. The data were collected online th...
Citation Formats
E. Dino, “Investigation of design as the next step in software product evolution : an analysis of added values,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2005.