Estimation of the height of surface breaking cracks using ultrasonic timing methods

Öztürk, Emre
In this thesis, two ultrasonic timing methods are used in order to investigate the accuracy and reliability of measurements for surface breaking cracks having different orientations and heights. Also the best applicable measurement technique is searched by comparing the received test results. These methods are the Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Method using diffraction of longitudinal waves and another method using the reflection of shear waves from the crack tips. In order to simulate and measure the height of surface breaking cracks three sets of test blocks from steel, and two sets of wedges from plexiglas material are manufactured. Also several probes having frequencies of 2Mhz, 4Mhz, 5Mhz and angles of 45o and 70o are used. Some test procedures are created to make realistic comparisons between the test results and the ones found by previous studies in literature. The results are compared according to the standard deviations of errors in crack height measurements and it is found that the depth, orientation of defects and the frequency of probes have considerable affect on the results. With wider probe angles and higher frequencies of probes to some extent the errors are observed to be running low and the height of cracks could be measured closer to the original size. The amount of the errors is increased in measurements with the increasing angle of cracks. The results of both methods are found to be very satisfactory. A range of ± 0.5 mm for means of error from the original vertical crack heights is determined. The results agree with the previous studies.


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Citation Formats
E. Öztürk, “Estimation of the height of surface breaking cracks using ultrasonic timing methods,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.