Function and appearance-based emergence of object concepts through affordances

Atıl, İlkay
One view to cognition is that the symbol manipulating brain interprets the symbols of language based on the sensori-motor experiences of the agent. Such symbols, for example, what we refer to as nouns and verbs, are generalizations that the agent discovers through interactions with the environment. Given that an important subset of nouns correspond to objects (and object concepts), in this thesis, how function and appearance-based object concepts can be created through a ffordances has been studied. For this, a computational system, which is able to create object concepts through simple interactions with the objects in the environment, is proposed. Namely, the robot applies a set of built-in behaviors (such as pushing, lifting, grasping) on a set of objects to learn their a ordances, through which objects aff ording similar functions are grouped into object concepts. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that the discovered object concepts are beneficial for learning new tasks by analyzing the learning performance of learning a new task with and without object concepts.


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Emergence of verb and object concepts through learning affordances
Dağ, Nilgün; Kalkan, Sinan; Şahin, Erol; Department of Computer Engineering (2010)
Researchers are still far from thoroughly understanding and building accurate computational models of the mechanisms in human mind that give rise to cognitive processes such as emergence of concepts and language acquisition. As a new attempt to give an insight into this issue, in this thesis, we are concerned about developing a computational model that leads to the emergence of concepts. Speci cally, we investigate how a robot can acquire verb and object concepts through learning affordances, a notion first...
Citation Formats
İ. Atıl, “Function and appearance-based emergence of object concepts through affordances,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2010.