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Current situation, usage, management and integration of the smart classroom technologies within the scope of fatih project: a multiple case study
Gök, Ali
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This study aims to investigate the existing usage of the Smart Classrooms Technologies (SCT) by teachers in the schools in Turkey, the problems they encountered, the solutions for these problems, and needs about the usage of SCT, as well as how the organization (YEGİTEK) conduct the integration process of the SCT within the scope of FATİH Project. The qualitative multiple-case study methodology was performed. Two pilot schools of the FATİH Project were separately analyzed as cases of the study and data were collected via observations, interviews and document analysis. Additional data were also gathered from the administration department of FATİH Project in YEGİTEK. The collected data were analyzed with content analysis method. According to findings of the study, the smart boards in the first case school and the PTIWB in the second case school were mostly used as projectors. The problems encountered while using the SCT were technical problems, lack of knowledge and skills, and inadequate e-contents for SCT. Some of these problems were solved by computer teacher, teachers’ themselves, students, private publishers, and technical services. In addition, the needs for using SCT effectively and efficiently could be listed as sufficient in-service trainings, more suitable e-contents, and accessible support. The analysis regarding integration process of the SCT in the schools revealed that the perceptions of teachers and school administrators were not investigated before the installation of the SCT in the schools. In addition, the project administrators did not informed the teachers and school administrators about the integration process of SCT.
Subject Keywords
Computer-assisted instruction.
Intelligent tutoring systems.
Effective teaching.
Learning, Psychology of.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. Gök, “Current situation, usage, management and integration of the smart classroom technologies within the scope of fatih project: a multiple case study,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2014.