The Growing problem between urban expansion and sustainability of agricultural lands, Kırcami example in Antalya

Demirbaş Topcu, Elif
Land controversy between cities and rural areas is a vital problem of the world’s natural resources. At the two sides of the problem, there are the land requirement for expanding cities and loss of arable lands. Absolutely, arable lands have to be protected for the longer term in Turkey that has reached to its limits. However, due to political, legal and implementation mistakes, consuming of arable lands is continuing rapidly. Antalya city of Turkey has developed rapidly in last 50 years due to the unforeseen development of tourism sector and migration. Although city had one of the most important agricultural productions of Turkey, it lost serious amount of its arable lands due to urbanization. Kırcami Area is a 1600 ha agricultural settlement dominantly with greenhouses that are the 7 per cent of all greenhouses of Antalya city. Area was a rural recreation area for Antalya residents and called as kır in its past. Today, although the lands of the area are still primary agricultural lands and urban agriculture is continuing, the area is planned for urban purposes for several times since 1996. Today, the area is locating in the city and supporters of development termed the area as a void in the macro-form of Antalya city. This thesis approaches to Kırcami Area as a ‘value’ owing to its agricultural and natural richness. In this thesis, land loss and land conservation problems are initially examined by theoretical background and literature reviews. Then the data that obtained by observations, interviews and survey were analyzed through both agricultural and natural values of urban agricultural lands for the aim of determining the value of Kırcami Area that has to be protected. Finally, legal and political dimension of the problem are discussed and some suggestions are submitted as being the solution way for the problem. Keywords: Value, Urbanization, Agricultural settlement, Agricultural land loss, Urban Agriculture


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Citation Formats
E. Demirbaş Topcu, “The Growing problem between urban expansion and sustainability of agricultural lands, Kırcami example in Antalya,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2015.