Comparison of numerical models and application to tropical cyclone Dorian

Ömeroğlu, Gökçe
Coasts are important areas where the vast majority of the world's population lives, have important natural resources and ecosystems, and provide socio-economic opportunities for societies. However, coastal areas are under threat due to different natural disasters such as storms, tsunamis and floods that cause loss of life and property. With the rapid development of hardware and software technologies, many programs that play an important role in the assessment of the natural disasters have achieved to perform high level numerical modeling. In this thesis, Benchmark Problems of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Problems (Benchmark Problem 2, Tohoku tsunami in Hilo harbor Hawaii and Benchmark Problem 4, Seaside Oregon State University Experiments) are simulated with NAMI DANCE and DELFT3D numerical models. The results of the models are compared with the field and experimental data. It is seen that the computed results are in fairly well aggrement with the field and experimental data. Furthermore, the tropical cyclone Dorian occurred in the western Atlantic and Caribbean in September 2019 was simulated by the numerical model NAMI DANCE with its new module solving tropical cyclone events. The numerical results have also been compared with the observations and records at different locations in Caribbean and Western Atlantic coasts.


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Citation Formats
G. Ömeroğlu, “Comparison of numerical models and application to tropical cyclone Dorian,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.