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Development of a methodology for identification and control of the chemicals of the greatest concern: Yeşilirmak River Basin case study
Küçük, Elif
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The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) aims to achieve good water status of surface water and groundwaters. For the purpose of evaluating chemical status, the Member States are required to monitor 45 priority substances in water bodies. To ensure good ecological status, the WFD requires the Member States to identify “river basin specific pollutants” and establish the environmental quality standards for these pollutants. In accordance with the WFD, main objectives of this study are to find out the chemicals of the greatest concern in Yeşilırmak River Basin, identify their significant point sources and develop a strategy for the control of these sources. To direct limited resources to the greatest threat; ranking approach which considers ecotoxicity effect concentrations, bioconcentration factors and water quality standards was adopted. Candidate chemicals which mainly consist of micropollutants were selected from 45 priority substances and 250 specific pollutants. As a result, fluoranthene and tributyl phosphate (TBP) were determined as the chemicals of the greatest concern. Their flows discharged into the basin were quantified by using emission factors derived for each point source and the leading sources to be controlled were identified as urban wastewater treatment plants. Finally, alternative approaches applicable for the development of discharge limits/standards for control of pollution from major point sources were screened; and an effluent limitation based on the extent of dilution by river water that occurs at the point of discharge was selected as applicable. Using this approach, discharge limits for major point sources of fluoranthene and TBP were determined.
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Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Küçük, “Development of a methodology for identification and control of the chemicals of the greatest concern: Yeşilirmak River Basin case study,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2018.