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Climate change and future proofing infrastructure: Etimesgut, Ankara case study
Oruç, Sertaç
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This study examines the potential impacts of climate change and land use/cover change; investigates how to incorporate these changes into urban stormwater network design. Rainfall analysis with stationary and nonstationary approach for observed and future conditions is performed for the (1950-2015 period) observed data and projections (2015-2098 period) for Ankara province, Turkey. Daily projections are disaggregated to finer scales and used for future period the analysis. Nonstationary Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) models and stationary GEV models for observed and future data is obtained. Also land use/cover change and urbanization in Ankara is investigated in general. Land use/cover situation together with the type and rate of change is examined particularly to obtain a composite runoff coefficient for the pilot study area considering the current and potential development conditions. Stormwater network design is assessed considering the nonstationarities and future conditions for present stormwater network of railway critical infrastructure located in Etimesgut pilot study area. Depending on the models and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP), there are different results for the future extreme rainfall input; yet all results indicate a decreasing extreme trend. The magnitude of future period extreme rainfall decreases with respect to observations. Return periods of the extreme rainfall increase in the future period therefore, not considering these trends may lead to overdesign of the stormwater network.
Subject Keywords
Climatic changes.
Precipitation variability.
Stormwater infiltration.
Urban runoff
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
S. Oruç, “Climate change and future proofing infrastructure: Etimesgut, Ankara case study,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2018.