Büşra Kulakoğlu

Department of Educational Sciences
Web of Science Researcher ID
Erasmus Programı’na Katılan Öğrenciler için Hareketlilik Sermayesinin Önemi
Kulakoğlu, Büşra; Bulut Şahin, Betül (2023-04-30)
STEM Education as a Concept Borrowing Issue: Perspectives of School Administrators in Turkey
Kulakoğlu, Büşra; Kondakci, Yasar (2022-06-01)
Purpose:As a borrowed concept, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education holds limited relevance in many country contexts. This study investigates how school administrators in Turkey view STEM educ...
Rankings and global knowledge governance: higher education, innovation and competitiveness
Kulakoğlu, Büşra (2022-02-01)
Higher Education for forcibly displaced migrants in Turkey
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Kaya Kaşıkcı, Sevgi; Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kulakoğlu, Büşra (2022-01-01)
© 2022 HERDSA.Higher education (HE) provides a unique opportunity to accomplish social and economic integration and mitigate the impact of displacement for forcibly displaced migrants (FDMs) in the long run. Against this b...
Academic Leadership in the Post-Covid Era for Research and Teaching Practices
Kulakoğlu, Büşra; Emil, Serap; Zayim Kurtay, Merve (2021-10-18)
In organizational cognition studies focusing on higher education institutions (HEIs), it is emphasized that HEIs could not be thought apart from open system thinking (Neumann, 2012). There are five major aspects of open sy...
Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kaya Kaşıkcı, Sevgi; Kulakoğlu, Büşra (Oxford University Press, 2021-5-24)
The pressure on the universities to take a visible place in the rankings has caused anachronistic policies and practices in evaluating the performance of universities. The value attributed to the rankings results in polici...
Yükseköğretimde Temel Bilim ve Mühendislik Alanlarında Kadın Öğrenci Deneyimleri
Kulakoğlu, Büşra; Emil, Serap (2020-07-12)
Lisans seviyesinde STEM ya da ülkemizdeki adıyla BİLTEMM (fen bilimleri, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik) alanlarını ve fen bilimleri ve matematik bağlantılı öğretmenlik bölümlerini seçen kadın öğrencilerin neden bu bö...
STEM Uygulamaları ve Eğitim Yönetimi
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Kulakoğlu, Büşra (2020-07-01)
Perspective of Academics on the Impact of Academic Practice
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Zayim Kurtay, Merve; Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kulakoğlu, Büşra (2019-10-12)
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