Relationship between organizational commitment and organizational-professional conflict : the case of electrical engineersin Turkey

Kavi, Alptekin


Relationship between financial development and logistics performance and their effects on the competitiveness: an empirical cross-country study
Özdemir, Levent; Küçükkaya, Halit Engin; Department of Business Administration (2017)
Well-functioning financial system efficiently produce information about possible investments to allocate capital, monitor firms after allocating capital, facilitate risk management, mobilize savings and ease the exchange of goods/services. These services significantly affect the countries’ efficiency of logistics which is backbone of trade. As financial development enables the logisticians to access various financial products and services to finance capital assets, working capital and inventory; to insure o...
Relationship between equity and excellence in education: multilevel analysis of international student assessment data with a focus on Turkey
Özdemir, Caner; Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe; Department of Sociology (2015)
This dissertation aims at finding the relationship between equity and excellence in education and how these two dimensions interplay in Turkey. It is found that inequalities in education are not functional as suggested by functionalist theories. On the other hand, findings of this dissertation show that more equity brings more success. Results also show that Turkish education system is neither equitable nor excellent. Moreover, it is found that current education structure in Turkey worsens existing social i...
E-Katılım ve Belediye Hizmet Kalitesi Algısı İlişkisi: Nilüfer Belediyesi Örneği
Yavuz, Nilay (2017-11-01)
Demokrasinin gelişmesinde ve günlük yaşam için gerekli yerel hizmetlerin sağlanmasında önemli bir role sahip olan belediyelerin, bir yandan kaynaklarını etkili ve verimli kullanırken diğer yandan da vatandaşa kaliteli hizmet verebilmeler i gittikçe daha çok önem kazanmaktadır. Yerel katılım, bu amaçlar doğrultusunda belediyelerin öncelikli sorunlarının belirlenmesi ve işbirliği ile çözüm üretilebilmesi yolunda etkili bir araç olarak görülmektedir (Bryson, 2004; Gökçe, 1999). Özen (2009:2) , yerel katılımı,...
Relationship between Environmental Degradation and Economic Development: A Panel Data Analysis
Özdemir, Özlem; Özokcu, Selin (2015-05-12)
Relationship between lean manufacturing and occupational health and safety in the aerospace industry in Turkey
Karstarlı Sevim, Rana; Parlaktuna, Mahmut; Department of Occupational Health and Safety (2023-1-27)
Occupational health and safety is a concept that is very important in every industry branch around the world. The primary purpose of the occupational health and safety philosophy is to prevent possible accidents, loss of life, and property by creating a safe work environment for employees. Lean manufacturing emerged in Japan as a result of the raw material crisis after the Second World War. Still, it started to be used worldwide in a short time due to its contribution to the production processes. The main p...
Citation Formats
A. Kavi, “Relationship between organizational commitment and organizational-professional conflict : the case of electrical engineersin Turkey,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.