Electron spin resonance studies of mollusc shells of Turkey

Harb, Abedulrahman


Electron spin resonance studies on normal and tumurous human whole blood, plasma and cellular blood.
Erson, Cevher Kudrettin; Baysal, Bahattin; Department of Chemistry (1980)
Electron spin resonance spectra of certain gamma-irradiated organic crystals.
Kılıç, Soner; Baysal, Bahattin; Department of Chemistry (1980)
Electron spin resonance studies of human whole blood, plasma and cellular fractions in frozen blood samples.
Oskay, S. Seyhan; Department of Chemistry (1979)
Electron-phonon scattering in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes
Park, JY; Rosenblatt, S; Yaish, Y; Sazonova, V; Toffoli, Hande; Braig, S; Arias, TA; Brouwer, PW; McEuen, PL (2004-03-01)
Electron scattering rates in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes are studied using an atomic force microscope as an electrical probe. From the scaling of the resistance of the same nanotube with length in the low- and high-bias regimes, the mean-free paths for both regimes are inferred. The observed scattering rates are consistent with calculations for acoustic-phonon scattering at low biases and zone boundary/optical phonon scattering at high biases.
Electron beam evaporation of nickel manganite thin-film negative temperature coefficient thermistors
Parlak, Mehmet; Hogan, MJ; Brinkman, AW (1998-12-01)