An Investigation into Sociomathematical Norms in a Technology and Inquiry Based Classroom for Teaching Circle Properties

This article aims to document the discovery of sociomathematical norms


The Role of Gender and Education on Decision-Making
Jacques, Mostert; Osman, Gulseven (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019-12-1)
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In this article we investigated the predominance of six unique dimensions of decisionmaking. We defined those dimensions as rationality, acuity, autonomy, openness, control, and emotion-neutrality. Our data is based on an online survey conducted on a global scale. From this survey, we received a total of 356 responses, of which 204 (57.3%) are females, and 152 (42.70%) are males. Of the respondents, 139 (39.04%) work in the education sector as teachers, academicians,...
An analysis of the evolution of multi functional kitchen mixing tools
Tekmen, Yasemin; Gürsu, Hakan; Department of Industrial Design (2007)
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Social identity and constructions of European Union among Turkish University youth
Cem, Nevra; Hortaçsu, Nuran; Department of Psychology (2003)
The aim of this study was twofold: to investigate (i) the relationship between values, social identities, constructions of European Union (EU) and (ii) reactions to December 12th Copenhagen decision concerning Turkey. In order to fullfil the aim, two methodologically different analyses were carried out: A qualitative analysis of newspapers representing different ideologies, and a quantitative analysis of Turkish university students̕ responses to questionaries. The qualitative analysis revealed different con...
The Ontology of Contemporary Construction
Atakara, Cemil; Hürol, Yonca (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2007)
The main aim of this study is to discuss the ontology of contemporary construction by considering the recent developments in structures. For this purpose, contemporary transparent surfaces of suspended glass systems are considered. These systems are compared with the framed structures of the modern, and Gothic structures in order to discuss the ontological differences between them. The three systems are compared according to the number of structural systems in the building, the type of structural mat...
An Analysis on McGinn’s Mysterianism: Reply to Erhan Demircioglu
Işıkgil, Sena (2017-02-01)
This paper discusses Erhan Demicioglu’s approach to McGinn’s mysterianism. Demircioglu argues that the reasons why McGinn considers his cognitive closure idea to be true with respect to the solution of the mind-brain problem are not compatible with his claim about the existence of a naturalist solution to the mind-brain problem. However, I consider such a criticism to be the result of missing some important details in McGinn’s thesis on cognitive closure. In this study by analysing McGinn’s mysterianism I s...
Citation Formats
D. Akyüz, “An Investigation into Sociomathematical Norms in a Technology and Inquiry Based Classroom for Teaching Circle Properties,” EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, pp. 58–72, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: