On the stability at all times of linearly extrapolated BDF2 timestepping for multiphysics incompressible flow problems

We prove long-time stability of linearly extrapolated BDF2 (BDF2LE) timestepping methods, together with finite element spatial discretizations, for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) and related multiphysics problems. For the NSE, Boussinesq, and magnetohydrodynamics schemes, we prove unconditional long time L-2 stability, provided external forces (and sources) are uniformly bounded in time. We also provide numerical experiments to compare stability of BDF2LE to linearly extrapolated Crank-Nicolson scheme for NSE, and find that BDF2LE has better stability properties, particularly for smaller viscosity values. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Numer Methods Partial Differential Eq 33: 999-1017, 2017


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Belenli, Mine Akbas; Rebholz, Leo G.; Tone, Florentina (2015-07-01)
We prove a long-time stability result for the finite element in space, linear extrapolated Crank-Nicolson in time discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE). From this result and a numerical experiment, we show the importance of discrete mass conservation in long-time simulations of the NSE. That is, we show that using elements that strongly enforce mass conservation can provide significantly more accurate solutions over long times, compared to those that enforce it weakly.
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On Crank-Nicolson Adams-Bashforth timestepping for approximate deconvolution models in two dimensions
Kaya Merdan, Songül; Rebholz, Leo G. (2014-11-01)
We consider a Crank-Nicolson-Adams-Bashforth temporal discretization, together with a finite element spatial discretization, for efficiently computing solutions to approximate deconvolution models of incompressible flow in two dimensions. We prove a restriction on the timestep that will guarantee stability, and provide several numerical experiments that show the proposed method is very effective at finding accurate coarse mesh approximations for benchmark flow problems.
On the accuracy of MFIE and CFIE in the solution of large electromagnetic scattering problems
Ergül, Özgür Salih (null; 2006-11-10)
We present the linear-linear (LL) basis functions to improve the accuracy of the magnetic-field integral equation (MFIE) and the combined-field integral equation (CFIE) for three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems involving large scatterers. MFIE and CFIE with the conventional Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) basis functions are significantly inaccurate even for large and smooth geometries, such as a sphere, compared to the solutions by the electric-field integral equation (EFIE). By using the LL funct...
Analysis of a projection-based variational multiscale method for a linearly extrapolated BDF2 time discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations
Vargün, Duygu; Kaya Merdan, Songül; Department of Mathematics (2018)
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Citation Formats
M. AKBAŞ, S. Kaya, and S. Kaya Merdan, “On the stability at all times of linearly extrapolated BDF2 timestepping for multiphysics incompressible flow problems,” NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, pp. 999–1017, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/39892.