Density functional and dynamics study of the dissociative adsorption of hydrogen on Mg (0001) surface

A first principles study is performed to investigate the adsorption characteristics of hydrogen on magnesium surface. Substitutional and on-surface adsorption energies are calculated for Mg (0001) surface alloyed with the selected elements. To further analyze the hydrogen-magnesium interaction, first principles molecular dynamics method is used which simulates the behavior of H-2 at the surface. Also, charge density differences of substitutionally doped surface configurations were illustrated. Accordingly, Mo and Ni are among the elements yielding lower adsorption energies, which are found to be -9.2626 and -5.2995 eV for substitutionally alloyed surfaces. respectively. In light of the dynamic calculations, Co as an alloying element is found to have a splitting effect on H-2 in 50 fs, where the first hydrogen atom is taken inside the Mg substrate right after the decomposition and the other after 1300 fs. An interesting remark is that, elements which acquire higher chances of adsorption are also seen to be competent at dissociating the hydrogen molecule. Furthermore, charge density distributions support the results of molecular dynamics simulations, by verifying the distinguished effects of most of the 3d and 4d transition metals.


Argon and nitrogen plasma modified polypropylene: Surface characterization along with the optical emission results
MANSUROĞLU, DOĞAN; Uzun Kaymak, İlker Ümit (Elsevier BV, 2019-01-25)
This study focuses on the surface modifications of polypropylene using a capacitively coupled radio frequency gas discharge system. Improvements on the polymer surface properties are investigated for the case of argon and nitrogen plasmas at different radio frequency input power values. Higher number of reactions and their repetitions are expected by the charged particles at higher input power setting. On the other hand, the optical emission intensity does not change linearly with increasing RF input power....
Effect of low-energy electron irradiation on (Bi, Pb)-2212 superconductors
Ogun, SE; Goktas, H; Ozkan, H; Hasanlı, Nızamı (Elsevier BV, 2005-06-22)
The effect of low-energy electron irradiation on the properties of the Bi-based superconductors is studied. Two sets of polycrystalline (Bi, Pb)-2212 samples were synthesized by heating the appropriate mixtures of powders at 840 degrees C for 100 h, then quenched or furnace cooled to room temperature. The samples were irradiated by low-energy (1-10 keV), pulsed (20 ns) electron beam up to a dose of 6.2 x 10(15) cm(-2). X- ray diffraction patterns, resistance-temperature behaviours, critical currents, and mi...
ZHU, J; Karakaya, İshak; THOMPSON, WT (The Electrochemical Society, 1988-01-01)
To further the understanding of electrolytes of value in industrial magnesium electrolysis, the reversible emf for the formation of in fused salts containing and was studied. The data made possible the calculation of thermodynamic solution properties which were used with other data to construct features of the ternary phase diagram. The multiple discrete complex anion (MDCA) model was tested against the thermodynamic findings from the present study. Reasonable agreement was obtained between the experimen...
Refractive index, static dielectric constant, energy band gap and oscillator parameters of Ga2SeS single crystals
Qasrawi, A. F.; Hasanlı, Nızamı (Wiley, 2007-09-01)
The optical properties of Bridgman method grown Ga2SeS crystals have been investigated by means of room-temperature transmittance and reflectance spectral analysis. The optical data have revealed direct and indirect allowed transition band gaps of 2.49 and 2.10 eV, respectively. The room-temperature refractive index, which was calculated from the reflectance and transmittance data, allowed the identification of the dispersion and oscillator energies, static dielectric constant and static refractive index as...
Atomic and electronic structure of group-IV adsorbates on the GaAs(001)-(1 x 2) surface
Usanmaz, D.; ÇAKMAK, MELEK; Ellialtıoğlu, Süleyman Şinasi (Elsevier BV, 2009-09-01)
Ab initio calculations, based on pseudopotentials and density functional theory, have been performed to investigate the atomic and electronic structure of the group-IV adsorbates (C, Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb) on the GaAs(001)-(1 x 2) surface considered in two different models: (i) non-segregated Ga-IV-capped structure and (ii) segregated structure in which the group-IV atoms occupying the second layer while the As atom floats to the surface. The non-segregated structure is energetically more favorable than the se...