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Hayatta kalmaya dair bağlamın bellek yanılsamaları üzerindeki etkisi
Atalay, Bedin Nart
Mısırlısoy, Mine
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Research on human memory has shown some encoding procedures to be better than others. Recent studies by Nairne et al. proposed that survival context might provide the best encoding conditions identified in human memory research. In this project, we investigated whether survival processing provides an advantage for source memory and whether it decreases suggestibility to misinformation. In addition, the predictions of the Source of Activation Confusion (SAC) model were compared with the experimental findings. In the first study, while survival advantage was observed for both recall and recognition in a within-subject design, it did not affect recall or recognition in a between-subject design. As for source memory, there was no survival advantage in the between-subject design. However, we did find a survival advantage for source memory in the within-subjects design, which was the first demonstration of a source memory advantage in the literature. The simulation results obtained through the SAC model could not fully predict the effect of survival context on item and source memory. This finding demonstrates that the survival context provides memory and source memory advantage beyond the item-specific and relational information processing. In the second study, the effects of survival processing on suggestibility to misinformation were investigated. We observed a decrease in correct recall/recognition and an increase in false recall/recognition in the misinformation condition, regardless of context. Moreover, results showed words rated within a context were more resilient to misinformation than unrated words. However, we failed to observe any differences regarding context. Surprisingly the survival advantage was not observed for correct or false memory. The fact that this null result was shown with four experiments supports the probability of a true null effect.
Subject Keywords
Memory illusions
Survival context
Source of Activation Confusion (SAC) model
Source memory
Department of Psychology, Project and Design
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Citation Formats
B. N. Atalay and M. Mısırlısoy, “Hayatta kalmaya dair bağlamın bellek yanılsamaları üzerindeki etkisi,” 2013. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: