Academic manpower problems of higher education in Turkey.

Leblebici, Doğan Nadi


Academic Mobbing in Turkey and Suggestions for Solutions: Content Analysis of Graduate Theses
Erdemir, Burcu (2019-08-01)
The effects of globalization on various sectors around the world are reflected in academia through competition, diminishing job security and faculty collegiality, and changing managerial understanding which causes academics to feel pressured to maintain the balance between teaching and research. This transformation inevitably has made the concepts explained by Foucault as "the power exerciser" and "the subject of power" more apparent, as demonstrated by conflicts and mobbing cases. The aim of this study is ...
Academic Ethics in Relation to Social Media: The Views of the University Students (Pilot)
Erdemir, Burcu (2018-10-11)
University Organization And Scientific Productivity In Turkey
Özinönü, Kemal A.; Tinto, Vincent (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1976)
Bu yazıda üniversite reformu sorunu geniş bir çerçeve içerisinde, yüksek öğretim planlaması açısından ele alınarak bu reformun yüksek nitelikteki bilimsel insan gücü yetiştirilmesi üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu yazıda Türkiye'de üniversite örgütünde mevcut kürsü ve bölüm düzenlerinin bilimsel bilgi üretimine olan etkileri eğitim ve bunun bir öğesi olarak üniversite planlaması yönünden incelenmektedir. Makale, 1933- 1966 devresini kapsayan temel bilimlerdeki gelişmeyle ilgili yapılan bi...
Academic Leadership in the Post-Covid Era for Research and Teaching Practices
Kulakoğlu, Büşra; Emil, Serap; Zayim Kurtay, Merve (2021-10-18)
In organizational cognition studies focusing on higher education institutions (HEIs), it is emphasized that HEIs could not be thought apart from open system thinking (Neumann, 2012). There are five major aspects of open system thinking as inputs, organizational processes, outputs, environmental factors and feedback loop. In that system, being affected by the environment in three purposes of HEI, teaching, research and community service, is inevitable as experienced in internationalization practices, Bologna...
Research trends of instructional technology dissertations in Turkey
Kaya, Kadir Yücel; Güleç, Mustafa; Eşfer, Sezin; Tısoğlu Kaya, Seçil; Kara, Ersin (null; 2017-07-03)
Citation Formats
D. N. Leblebici, “Academic manpower problems of higher education in Turkey.,” Middle East Technical University, 1989.