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Completion Of Multi-Latform Remote Sensing Data Collection And Analysis Of The Northern Portion Of The Iron Age Capital On The Erkenes Dağ, Yozgat
Summers, Geoffrey
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(Aims) Amaç: There are four objectives for this proposed study of the Iron Age capital on the Kerkenes Dağ overlooking the village of Şahmuratlı in the Yozgat region (Figs 1 and 2). 1. To complete the integrated multi-platform remote sensing surveys conducted over the northern portion of the Iron Age capital. 2. To combine the different sets of data and analyse the urban dynamics. 3. To prepare the results for final publication. 4. To make available, in usable form, aspects of these results that can be used for further analytical studies. These include demography and urban dynamics, archaeo-astronomy, military architecture and developments in ancient warfare, and post-destruction features. (Methods) Yöntem: 1. Combining two-dimensional data sets (balloon photographs, geophysical survey results) with three-dimensional close-contour GPS simulations. 2. Production of scaled imagery of combined simulations and of discrete geophysical survey data for ground verification. 3. Taking imagery produced in 2 (above) into the field to check against what can be seen on the ground (Iron Age features, particularly stone wall footings and stone paving; later features such as animal pounds and tumuli; geological and geomorphological features, including soils; vegetation and ground water). 4. Addition electrical resistance survey where verification suggests that better results might be obtainable within the designated study area. 5. Digitising the results of 3 (above) to make layers according to attributes. 6. Production of a digital atlas of the northern portion of the city that can be used for spatial, demographic, cultic, and other urban analysis. (Expected Results) Gerekçe/Beklenilen: This study will complete the detailed account of the immediate urban setting for the new long- term program of excavation of the urban block currently undertaken by an international team led by Scott Branting. Characterization of underlying concepts of city planning will provide a unique window onto comparative studies of the Lydian capital at Sardis, Neo-Hittite capitals in Turkey and Syria, Ionian cities and Greek colonies. At a more theoretical level it will address ideas of current concern including the relationship between cultural material and ethnicity, acculturation and imperialism.
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Citation Formats
G. Summers, “Completion Of Multi-Latform Remote Sensing Data Collection And Analysis Of The Northern Portion Of The Iron Age Capital On The Erkenes Dağ, Yozgat,” 2012. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: