Axisymmetric contact problem for two elastic layers under the effect of ring shaped loads

Gürsoy, Akın


Axisymmetric crack problem for a hollow cylinder imbedded in a dissimilar medium
Kadıoğlu, Fevzi Suat (Elsevier BV, 2005-05-01)
The analytical solution for the linear elastic problem of flat annular crack in a transversely isotropic hollow cylinder imbedded in a transversely isotropic medium is considered. The hollow cylinder is assumed to be perfectly bonded to the surrounding medium. This structure, which can represent a cylindrical coating-substrate system, is subjected to uniform crack surface pressure. Because of the geometry and the loading, the problem is axisymmetric. The z = 0 plane on which the crack lies, is also a plane ...
Axisymmetric crack terminating at the interface of transversely isotropic dissimilar media
Kadıoğlu, Fevzi Suat (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2002-07-01)
In this paper, the axisymmetric elasticity problem of an infinitely long transversely isotropic solid cylinder imbedded in a transversely isotropic medium is considered. The cylinder contains an annular or a penny shaped crack subjected to uniform pressure on its surfaces. It is assumed that the cylinder is perfectly bonded to the medium. A singular integral equation of the first kind (whose unknown is the derivative of crack surface displacement) is derived by using Fourier and Hankel transforms. By perfor...
Axisymmetric finite cylinder with rigid ends and a circumferential edge crack
Durucan, Ayşe Ruşen; Geçit, M. Ruşen; Department of Engineering Sciences (2010)
An axisymmetric finite cylinder with rigid ends and a circumferential edge crack is considered in this study. The finite cylinder is under the action of uniformly distributed loads at two rigid ends. Material of the finite cylinder is assumed to be linearly elastic and isotropic. This finite cylinder problem is solved by considering an infinite cylinder containing an internal ring-shaped crack located at z=0 plane and two penny-shaped rigid inclusions located at z=±L planes. General expressions of the infin...
Axisymmetric deformation of steel wire reinforced alunimium.
Toklutepe, Burak; Öztürk, Tayfur; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1996)
Axisymmetric crack problem for a fiber imbedded in a matrix
Karabulut, Eyüp Sabri; Kadıoğlu, Suat; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1999)
Citation Formats
A. Gürsoy, “Axisymmetric contact problem for two elastic layers under the effect of ring shaped loads,” Middle East Technical University, 1990.