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Comprehension and production of subject-object relationship in reversible sentences both in active and passive voice of Turkish children in the acquisition of Turkish as first language
Özcan, F. Hülya
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In this study, the aim is to find the rate of comprehension and production of subject-object relationship in reversible sentences both in active and passive voice in a group of children who are acquiring Turkish as first language. In Chapter I, the aim of the study is stated and some information about Turkish sentence structure is given. In Chapter II, the literature related to the comprehension and production of subject-object relationship and word order is reviewed. In Chapter III, the method, research design and the subjects are mentioned. In Chapter IV, the data collected for the purpose of study is analyzed. In Chapter V, the results of the data analysis is discussed.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
Syntactic priming of relative clause attachment in monolingual Turkish speakers and Turkish learners of English
Başer, Zeynep; Hohenberger, Annette Edeltraud; Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2018)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the syntactic priming of relative clause attachment in monolingual Turkish speakers and Turkish learners of English with different levels of proficiency in English. Turkish and English belong to typologically different groups of languages. Within the scope of this study, we investigate syntactic priming of relative clause attachments, which enables us to examine and compare the strategies employed for ambiguity resolution both in Turkish and English. The data was ...
Referential form, word order and emotional valence in Turkish pronoun resolution in physical contact events
Özge, Duygu (De Gruyter Mouton, 2020-01-01)
This study investigates the effect of information structure (revealed in SOV versus OSV orders), the type of anaphoric expression (zero versus overt pro-nouns), and the verb valence (positive valence versus negative valence) on the interpretation of ambiguous pronouns in Turkish physical contact action verbs. Turkish speaking adult participants were asked to determine the reference for a nonsense adjectival predicate in an utterance with an action verb and two clauses connect...
Verbal Categories in Turkish Sign Language
Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem (Harrasowitz Verlag, 2016-01-01)
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At the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface: Acquisition of Turkish Word Order by Turkish-English, Turkish-German and Turkish-Russian Bilingual Children Sözdizim-Edimbilim Arakesitinde: Türkçe-İngilizce, Türkçe-Almanca ve Türkçe-Rusça İki Dilli Çocukların Türkçenin Sözcük Dizilimini Edinimi
Sağın Şimşek, Sultan Çiğdem; Antonova-ünlü, Elena (2021-01-01)
© 2020 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, İstanbul.The aim of this study is to investigate how syntactic and pragmatic features of Turkish word order are acquired by Turkish-English, Turkish-German and Turkish-Russian bilingual children. The data were collected from Turkish monolingual and bilingual children who were born in England, Germany and Russia and acquired Turkish as their heritage language. The findings of the study reveal that the Turkish monolingual children adopt the use of SOV order as canonical,...
Processing of conditional constructions in Turkish l2 speakers of English
Evcen, Ebru; Özge, Duygu; Department of English Language Teaching (2019)
This thesis aims to examine whether Turkish L2 learners of English process conditional constructions in an incremental and/or predictive manner. An offline grammaticality judgment (GJT) task was devised to test L2 learners’ sensitivity to grammatical violations and an online self-paced reading (SPR) task was designed to find out whether processing patterns of L2 learners would match existing L2 processing accounts. We manipulated the Connector Type (unless, unless…not, if…not) and Context Type (congruent, i...
Citation Formats
F. H. Özcan, “Comprehension and production of subject-object relationship in reversible sentences both in active and passive voice of Turkish children in the acquisition of Turkish as first language,” Middle East Technical University, 1986.