Thermoelastic waves in anisotropic media.

Göçer, Cengiz


Thermoelastic Stresses in a Rod Subjected to Periodic Boundary Condition An Analytical Treatment
Eraslan, Ahmet Nedim; Apatay, Tunç (2015-09-01)
Thermoelastoplastic response of composite tubes subjected to nonuniform heat source external pressure and convective boundary condition /
Kartal, Mehmet Emin; Eraslan, Ahmet Nedim; Department of Engineering Sciences (2004)
Thermoplastic response of a linearly hardening cylinder subjected to nonuniform heat source and convective boundary condition
Eraslan, Ahmet Nedim (Informa UK Limited, 2004-05-01)
An analytical model based on Tresca's yield criterion and its L associated flow rule is developed to analyze the thermoelastoplastic response of a linearly hardening cylinder subjected to a nonuniform heat source and convective heat transfer condition at the external boundary. Closed form solutions are obtained for a state of generalized plane strain in different stages of elastic-plastic deformation. Considering a cylinder that is constrained axially, the plastic deformation commences at the axis and depen...
Thermoelastic response of a fin exhibiting elliptic thickness profile: An analtical solution
Eraslan, Ahmet Nedim (Elsevier BV, 2008-03-01)
A thermoelastic analytical solution of a variable thickness cooling fin problem is presented. A variable thickness annular fin mounted on a hot rotating rigid shaft is considered. The thickness of the fin is assumed to vary radially in a continuously variable nonlinear elliptic form. An energy equation that accounts for the conduction, convective heat loss from peripheral and edge surfaces, thickness variation and rotation is adopted. The thermoelastic equation is obtained under formal assumptions of plane ...
Thermomechanically coupled rigidviscoplastic analysis of metal forming processes
Gerçek, Mustafa Çınar; Tekkaya, A. Erman; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1996)
Citation Formats
C. Göçer, “Thermoelastic waves in anisotropic media.,” Middle East Technical University, 1973.