Implementation of an Online Question Answer Q A System as a Mobile Learning Tool

World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013


Implementation of a wireless streaming system for universal multimedia access
Unal, U; Akar, Gözde (2004-04-30)
This document, describes a universal multimedia access system and its implementation details. In the context of this document, universal multimedia access means accessing multimedia content over ubiquitous computer networks, using different computing platforms. The computer networks involve both wired and wireless networks, and computing platforms involve wired PC's, mobile PC's and personal digital assistants (PDA). The system is built on client/server architecture. Video data is H.263 coded and carried ov...
Implementation of a wireless streaming system for universal multimedia access
Ünal, Halim Ünsem; Akar, Gözde; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2003)
This thesis describes a universal multimedia access system and its implementation details. In the context of this document, universal multimedia access means accessing multimedia content over ubiquitous computer networks, using different computing platforms. The computer networks involve both wired and wireless networks, and computing platforms involve wired PC, mobile PC and personal digital assistants (PDA). The system is built on a client/server architecture. Video data is H.263 coded and carried over RT...
Implementation of crossbar web service for interactive visualizations of biological networks
Atakan , Ahmet; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan; Department of Computer Engineering (2020-9)
Existing computational tools, resources, and services to assist experimental biomedical research lack data diversity and data connectivity and therefore, they are limited in helping to solve real world problems. Within the framework of CROssBAR project aiming for drug discovery, CROssBAR database (CROssBAR-DB) integrated diverse biomedical resources with the predictions of a comprehensive computing resource developed using machine learning and deep learning-based methods. It is crucial for the users to ...
Implementation of a low-cost smart camera apllication on a cots system
Baykent, Hayri Kerem; Akar, Gözde; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2011)
The objective of this study is to implement a low-cost smart camera application on a Commercial off the Shelf system that is based on Texas Instrument’s DM3730 System on Chip processor. Although there are different architectures for smart camera applications, ARM plus DSP based System on Chip architecture is selected for implementation because of its different core abilities. Beagleboard-XM platform that has an ARM plus DSP based System on Chip processor is chosen as Commercial off the Shelf platform. Durin...
Implementation of a hotel's front office information system
Karabulut, Rüştü; Epir, Bülent; Department of Computer Engineering (1989)
Citation Formats
A. H. Ataş and Ö. Delialioğlu, “Implementation of an Online Question Answer Q A System as a Mobile Learning Tool,” 2013, p. 581, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: