Toplu Konut Yasası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

ŞPMMO Haber Bülteni


Toplu Konut Tasarımında Dünya deneyimi ve Türkiye ile Nitel karşılaştırılması.
Balamir, Aydan(2009-12-31)
Toplu Konut Tasarımında Dünya deneyimi ve Türkiye ile Nitel karşılaştırılması.
User Evaluation In The Determination Of Quality: Building Components In Mass-Housing
Gültekin, Tanju (1999-1-1)
Alt ve orta gelir grubunun konul ihtiyacını karşılamada 1970'h" yıllarda üretilen toplu konutlar yoluyla sayısal olarak artışlar sağlanmışsa da, 199Ü'Iı yıllarda bu türden konutlarda oturan kullanıcı gruplar açısından, önemli bakım-onarım güçlükleri ve maliyet artışları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunlara koşut olarak, kalitatif yaklaşımlar ve araştırmalar önem kazanmıştır. Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı İhtisas Komisyonları Raporlan'nda da belirtildiği gibi, toplu konutlarda kalitenin sağlanabilmesi için planlama...
The Notion of Becoming in Mass-Housic Complexes; The Case of Mortafa Housing, Mashhad, Iran
Talebian, Nima; Özmen, Beril (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019-12-31)
Places are not frozen in time, both mass-housing complexes and their urban contexts are in the state of constant becoming, they begin to change from the very moment they are completed. These changes happen gradually, due to various forces, and at different levels. Based on the Deleuzian ontology of, becoming-in-the-world, the theory of place as assemblage, explores a dynamic conception of place, which is in the state of constant becoming. Place is therefore considered as a three-folded assemblage, which is ...
A comparative study of regression analysis, neural networks and case-based reasoning for early range cost estimation of mass housing projects
Karancı, Hüseyin; Sönmez, Rifat; Department of Civil Engineering (2010)
Construction cost estimating is essential for all of the stakeholders of a construction project from the beginning stage to the end. At early stages of a construction project, the design information and scope definition are very limited, hence; during conceptual (early) cost estimation, achieving high accuracy is very difficult. The level of uncertainty included in the cost estimations should be emphasized for making correct decisions throughout the dynamic stages of construction project management process,...
Evaluating quality in mass-housing projects via six sigma: the case of ODTÜKENT
Çeliknalça, Fatime Feryal; Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2006)
Quality and quality management have gained importance in the construction industry also due to losses of life and property. For high-quality buildings, the amount of defects during the construction works must be reduced. Thus, it is important to determine the defects which lead to low quality in the construction projects; and architectural, structural and constructional standards to measure some indicators of quality like workmanship, design of components and usage of correct and highquality materials. Ther...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “Toplu Konut Yasası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme,” ŞPMMO Haber Bülteni, pp. 2–3, 1981, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: