High School Students Misconceptions about Simple Electric Circuits

Sencar, Selen
Yılmaz, Elif Esra
Eryılmaz, Ali
The purpose of this study was to determine 9th grade students' misconceptions about simple electric circuits and to explore the relationship between these misconceptions and some selected variables (students' gender and experience about electric circuits). Review of literatureconceming simple electric circuits has shown that high school studentshave many misconceptions aboutthis topic and in order to assess them, a diagnostic test was develaped. The test, which was named as Simple Electric Circuits Concept Test, is formed of 13 practical and 8 theoretical questions. Mareaver, a questionnaire was also given to students to determine their experience about simple electrk circuits. The study took place during 2000- 2001 fall semester with the participationof 76 high school students. Results of analysis showed that high school students had considerable degree of misconceptions conceming simple electric circuits and these misconceptionswere c10sely related with students' gender and previous experiences about simple electric circuits
Hacettepe Journal of Education


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Citation Formats
S. Sencar, E. E. Yılmaz, and A. Eryılmaz, “High School Students Misconceptions about Simple Electric Circuits,” Hacettepe Journal of Education, pp. 113–120, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/78248.