Brexit and the European identity: where are the positions of Turkey-EU relations in the debate?

Brexit and European Identity: Where is the Turkey-EU Relations in the Debate? After the Brexit decision by the UK, academic curiosity on the future of the EU and European policies has accelerated tremendously. One of the ‘hot’ topics of curiousity attached to the Brexit process has been the future of Turkish-EU relations and whether the future EU-UK relations might set an example for a varied European integration a la turca. This paper, departing from the current theoretical debates on ‘differentiated integration’, will aim at exploring the impact of Brexit on Turkish-EU relations within the context of European identity. Will Brexit mean the end of European project we know as it would trigger romantic nationalism and isolationism on the part of the member states? Or, will the European project emerge stronger without half-hearted Britain spoiling the fun? This paper will aim to answer these questions by exploring three scenerios for the future of Turkish-EU relations and European identity.


Brexit’ in Turkish Political Debates: End of the Road or a New Trajectory?
Alpan, Başak Zeynep; Şenyuva, Özgehan (null, 2020-01-01)
This chapter explores perceptions of the Brexit process and images of European integration after Brexit in Turkey. It aims to identify perceptions of the European Union (EU) among Turkish elites, general public opinion and Turkish EU experts in the period of uncertainty following the Brexit vote of 2016 in the UK. The prevalent British sentiment that the EU is a Franco-German project that privileged French and German interests to the detriment of those of the other member states is somewhat similar to the m...
Brexit and the UK’s alternative future security and defense relationship with the European Union
Karataş, Gülşah; Kahraman, Sevilay; Department of International Relations (2019)
The UK decided to leave the EU on 23 June 2016 with a historical referendum. Brexit vote paved the way for new academic discussions on European disintegration process. There are concerns over Brexit that it could lead to a domino effect and increase the anti-EU voices among member states. There is a vital need to find a new security and defense partnership to secure the borders of Europe as reducing cooperation will not be a logical or intended option for both parties. This thesis aims to analyze alternativ...
Europeanization of minorities vs. minorities of europeanization: historicizing european identity
Ongur, Hakan Övünç; Yurdusev, Ahmet Nuri; Department of International Relations (2011)
The purpose of this dissertation is to answer ‘if we can live together?’, through establishing a historical approach towards the concepts of Europeanization, European identity and the rights of minorities. The main argument reads that within the historical understanding of Europeanization, it is theoretically impossible to speak of a common European identity that European peoples and societies could agree upon. The problem is that such impossibility cannot be explained by the mainstream political identity a...
European identity and the European Union : the prospects and limits
Kap, Derya; Yurdusev, Ahmet Nuri; Department of International Relations (2006)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the concept of ‘European identity’ within the context of the European Union (EU) in terms of constructivist approach. This thesis is based on the idea that European integration project needs a shared identity; it is essential means for the success and continuity of an ‘ever closer Union’. In this context, the aim of the thesis is to find out the answers to the questions of whether the EU has a European identity; whether a post-national European identity is viable a...
Becoming european, becoming enemy: mosque conflicts and finding a permanent place for ıslam in Europe
Sarıkuzu, Hande; Yeğenoğlu, Meyda; Department of Sociology (2011)
This thesis aims to problematize the cosmopolitan-spirited quest for a proper and permanent place for Islam and Muslim immigrants in Europe today, and to claim that the efforts to establish a European Islam cannot be thought in isolation from the efforts to consolidate a European identity. Since “Europeanizing” Islam is a process of inserting it into the politically acceptable formations of the secular in the European public sphere, not only does this project fail to offer a genuine alternative framework fo...