Uncovering teacher candidates' sustainability consciousness level

Şen, Mehmet
Güler, Fulden
Özdemir, Mine
Öztekin, Ceren
Sustainable development aims to increase quality of life, but it also aims to conserve natural sources. By this way, next generations could use these sources (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Sustainable development has three dimensions which are environmental, economic and social. In developing countries like Turkey, natural sources are rapidly consumed in order to provide economic development. However, destruction of natural sources damages three dimensions of sustainable development in the long run. Hence, people need to be conscious about sustainable development to prevent destruction of natural sources and damages to dimensions of sustainable development. However, people consciousness about sustainable development does not arise spontaneously, so they should be educated in sustainability consciousness. Thus, teachers and teacher candidates must be conscious in this issue first. Sustainability consciousness is comprised of three dimensions which are knowledge, attitude, and behavior (Olsson, 2014). Thus, current research explores Turkish teacher candidates’ sustainability consciousness levels, entailing the aspects knowingness, attitudes, and behavior in the environmental, economic and social dimension of sustainable development. Hence, this study has one research question: “What is the sustainability consciousness (knowingness, attitudes, and behavior) level of Turkish teacher candidates?” Identification of teacher candidates' sustainability consciousness level will make some contributions to science education. Firstly, a strategy for sustainable development can be developed according to the results of this study. Secondly, this study provides feedback about how sustainability related education faculty courses are effective. Lastly, Manni, Sporre and Ottander (2013) claimed that there is no enough information to construct a theory on education for sustainable development, so findings about teacher candidates’ sustainability consciousness level can contribute on construction of a theory about this issue.
European Educational Research Association, (3 - 07 Eylül 2018


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Citation Formats
M. Şen, F. Güler, M. Özdemir, and C. Öztekin, “Uncovering teacher candidates’ sustainability consciousness level,” presented at the European Educational Research Association, (3 - 07 Eylül 2018, Bolzano, İtalya, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/79135.