Faculty of Architecture

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Publication (3305)
Thesis (2490)
Researcher (164)
Project (123)
Patent (9)
Open Course (1)

Has File(s)
Yes (3453)
No (2638)

Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (96)
Şahin Güçhan, Neriman (94)
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (91)
Sorguç, Arzu (83)
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (79)

Architecture (293)
Architecture. (162)
Industrial design. (74)
Urbanization. (73)
Engineering and Technology (60)

Date Issued
1964 - 1979 (267)
1980 - 1999 (872)
2000 - 2019 (3628)
2020 - 2024 (1314)

Item Type
Master Thesis (2125)
Journal Article (1482)
Conference Paper (1023)
Book Chapter (376)
Ph.D. Thesis (364)

Recent Submissions

Mimarlığın Nesnesi Olarak Kenti Yeniden Arzulamak: Ankara’nın Kentsel Yayılma Pratikleri ve Çeper Mimarisi Üzerine Spekülatif Bir Okuma
Kömez Dağlıoğlu, Esin (2024-12-01)
Temporal Dynamics in Urban Morphology: Exploring Socio-Spatial Processes
Tiryaki, İrem Duygu (2024-11-25)
Time and space are concepts that we often use but do not think of as a force in forming cities. These two concepts cooperate in social life. According to Lefebvre, social ties are contingent upon the existence of a place (...
Sympoiesis Smart Coat
Ayaz Erdağ, Ayça; Sorguç, Arzu (2024-11-13)
Sosyal medya iş birlikleri ve estetik: Instagram fenomenlerinin lüks moda ürünleri tanıtımındaki görsel stratejiler.
Kumbasar, Ecem; Şen, Güzin (2024-10-24)
Kentsel Miras için Risk Yönetimi: İzmir Örneği
Bektaş, Bilge Nur; Nizamoğlu, Serdar M. A.; Şenol Balaban, Meltem (2024-10-23)
Risk management for cultural heritage is a significant issue in conservation andmanagement studies. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the WorldCultural and Natural Heritage states that ensuring a good state of co...
Kentsel Morfoloji, Sinema Mekânlarının Haritalanması ve Konumlandırılması: Ankara Örneği
Kaymaz, Elif (2024-09-25)
Revisiting type and typology conceptualizations of Quatremère de Quincy and Durand through the dichotomy of a priori and a posteriori type
Parlak Temizel, Neris; Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2024-09-20)
Retail landscape of the network structure: A comparative analysis of the suburban regions of Helsinki and Ankara
Efeoğlu, Hulusi Eren (2024-09-16)
The persistent decentralization of contemporary cities generates different network structures and various subcentres in the periphery of the towns. These central nodes primarily arise from the concentration of retail busin...
İleri Yaş Yetişkinlere Yönelik Düşme Yönetimi İçin Ev-tabanlı Ürün Ekosistemi Odağında Alan Çalışması
Usta, Ceren; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (2024-09-11)
Koşarken Müzik Dinleme Deneyiminin Göz İzleme Teknolojisi ile İncelenmesi: Arayüz Tasarımı Üzerine Öneriler
Küçükkurt, Açelya; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (2024-09-11)
Sarıca, Sezin (2024-09-06)
A Terrestrial Words – Stock -
Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz; Baş Bütüner, Funda; Sarıca, Sezin; Derebaşı, Bengisu (2024-09-05)
Grassroots environmental movement for code red: Ovacık mining landscape
Yaraş Er, Dilara; Baş Bütüner, Funda; Sargın, Güven Arif (2024-09-05)
A pedagogical experiment: strategies for populating landscapes
Sarıca, Sezin; Derebaşı, Bengisu; Baş Bütüner, Funda; Yaraş Er, Dilara (2024-09-04)
Do Galactic Empires Dream of a Cosmic Sheep?
Kızıl, Sinan Cem (TU Delft OPEN Publishing, 2024-09-01)
Modernization Narratives in Turkish Novel: A Spatial Perspective on Public and Private Spheres
Özcan Geylani, Seçil; Özgenel, Lale (2024-09-01)
Navigating Rapid Urban Renewal: The Paradox of the Prefab
Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz; Bican, N. Burak (2024-08-30)
The concept of 'constructing homes—mostly or entirely—in a factory setting' dates back to the 19th century. Capturing the interest of a myriad of professionals—from architects to engineers and entrepreneurs—the pressing gl...
Transforming Landscapes: Housing, Water Dynamics, and Governance in Ankara’s İncek Region
Uysal Bilge, Fulay; Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz; Sarul, Meltem; Kose, Merve; Turcan, Mucella; Acemoglu, Mizgin; Becerikli, Beyza (2024-08-30)
In rapidly evolving metropolitan regions, the transformation of agricultural lands into urbanized areas represents significant shifts in land use, governance, and housing dynamics. This study focuses on Ankara’s İncek, Kız...
Setting a Sustainable “Ground” for Post-Disaster Housing in Turkey: On a Common(ing) Spatial Lexicon
Bican, N. Burak; Güneri Söğüt, Gizem Deniz (2024-08-30)
In the aftermath of disasters, the imperative to rebuild quickly often clashes with the goals of sustainable urban development. This tension is particularly pronounced in Turkey, a nation prone to earthquakes and rapid urb...
Development of a standard laboratory testing method for thermal diffusivity measurements of building walls: Combined use of Infrared thermography and guarded hot box Yapı duvarlarının ısıl yayınırlık ölçümleri için standart bir laboratuvar test yönteminin geliştirilmesi: Kızılötesi ısıl görüntüleme ve korumalı sıcak kutunun birlikte kullanımı
Tuğla, Rukiye Koçkar; Tavukçuoğlu, Ayşe; YAZICIOĞLU, SALİH (2024-08-16)
The thermal diffusivity value of a building wall can be calculated theoretically by using the thermophysical properties of its materials listed in standards and literature. In these lists, building materials in the same ca...
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