From specific value to variable Developing students abilities to represent unknowns

Marum, Tim
İşler Baykal, Işıl
Stephens, Ana
Gardiner, Angela
Blanton, Maria
Knuth, Eric
Third- through fifth-grade students participating in a classroom teaching experiment investigating the impact of an Early Algebra Learning Progression completed pre- and post- assessments documenting their abilities to represent or describe unknown quantities. We found that after a sustained early algebra intervention, students grew in their abilities to represent related unknown quantities using letters as variables.
33rd Annual Meeting of the NorthAmerican Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (20 - 23 Ekim 2011)


From recursive pattern to correspondence rule Developing students abilities to engage in functional thinking
Stephens, Ana; İşler Baykal, Işıl; Marum, Tim; Blanton, Maria; Knuth, Eric; Murphy Gardiner, Angela (2012-11-01)
Third- through fifth-grade students participating in a classroom teaching experiment investigating the impact of an Early Algebra Learning Progression completed pre- and post-assessment items addressing their abilities to engage in functional thinking. We found that after a sustained early algebra intervention, students grew in their abilities to shift from recursive to covariational thinking about linear functions and to represent correspondence rules in both words and variables.
From the knowledge to be taught to the learned knowledge: the quadrilaterals in the 5th-grade
Akar, Nazlı; Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2022-01-01)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship among the knowledge proposed by school curriculum, the content offered by a mathematics teacher, and what was acquired by students regarding quadrilaterals in the 5th grade, using Didactic Transposition Theory. To examine the transposing process, a case study involving a mathematics teacher and seven students was adopted in Turkey. The objectives of the curriculum were scrutinized in order to identify the content to be offered to the students. The...
Use of learning trajectories based instruction to restructure pre-service elementary teachers’ mathematical content and student knowledge
Yılmaz, Zuhal; Haser, Çiğdem; Department of Elementary Education (2015)
The purpose of this study was to explore elementary pre-service teachers’ (PTs) mathematical content knowledge (MCK) and student knowledge (SK) restructuring practices for equipartitioning related mathematical ideas. Nine senior PTs from a private university located southeastern part of the Turkey were voluntarily participated to Learning Trajectories Based Instruction (LTBI) teaching experiment. Classroom video data, written works of PTs, pre-post tests and field notes were the main sources of the data col...
Öğrenme rotaları temelli öğretimde öğretmen adaylarının matematiksel alan bilgilerini yeniden yapılandırmaları
Yılmaz, Zuhal; Haser, Çiğdem (2018-01-01)
Çalışmanın amacı sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının eşpaylaşım konusu ile ilgili matematiksel alan bilgilerini (MAB) öğrenme rotaları temelli bir öğretim ortamında nasıl yeniden yapılandırdıklarını incelemektir. Bu bağlamda dokuz öğretmen adayı ile bir öğretim deneyi eşpaylaşım öğrenme rotası kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları, adayların mevcut kavram yanılgı ve hatalarını düzelttiklerini ve bu yanılgı ve hataların altında yatan sebepleri açığa çıkardıklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Aynı zamanda, ...
The Effect of metacognitive instructional method on eleventh grade students’ metacognitive skill and mathematical procedural and conceptual knowledge
Abdul Aziz, Tian; Bulut, Safure; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2016)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of metacognitive instructional method, compared to traditional instruction on eleventh grade science student’s mathematical procedural and conceptual knowledge, and metacognitive skills. Sixty-six eleventh-grade students in a school in Bandung City, Indonesia took part in this study. Matching-only pre-test-post-test control group design was conducted. The classes were randomly assigned to experimental and control group. In the experimental group metacog...
Citation Formats
T. Marum, I. İşler Baykal, A. Stephens, A. Gardiner, M. Blanton, and E. Knuth, “From specific value to variable Developing students abilities to represent unknowns,” University of Nevada, Reno, 2011, p. 106, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: