Language Assessment Literacy of English Language Teachers Changing systems and perceived needs



Language learning strategies and self-efficacy beliefs as predictors of english proficiency in a language preparatory school
Açıkel, Merih; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim; Department of Educational Sciences (2011)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of language learning strategy use and self-efficacy beliefs with language proficiency of the language preparatory school students. Moreover, some demographic characteristics of the participants were analyzed in relation to the proficiency scores of the students. Four hundred eighty nine language preparatory school students from one private university in Ankara were included in the study. Turkish version of Inventory of Strategies for Language Learnin...
Language Education Viewed From Different Perspectives: Two Different Contexts, Two Different Approaches
Gündüz, Müge (2010-08-24)
Language Teacher Competency or Teacher Language Competency ?
Gürbüz, Nurdan (2006-05-02)
Language Assessment Literacy Training of Prospective Language Teachers for the Challenges in Classroom-based Language Assessment
Şahin, Sevgi; Hatipoğlu, Çiler (2019-04-11)
This study explores ELT teacher candidates’ thinking on the practicum period from three interrelated standpoints: what professional content knowledge the student teachers believed they possessed at the beginning of the practicum, what they thought that they needed to learn more to develop in academic terms during the teaching practice and their evaluations of what they actually learnt at the end of the period. Fortyfour teacher candidates from the ELT Department of a Turkish university having their practicu...
Language Teachers’ beliefs about professional learning experiences and the contribution of learning experiences to classroom practice
Saydam, Deniz (null; 2017-10-20)
Citation Formats
Ç. Hatipoğlu, “Language Assessment Literacy of English Language Teachers Changing systems and perceived needs,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: