Trifenilamin, Benzoditiyofen ve Benzotriazole Türevleri İçeren Serbest Konjüge Polimerlerin Elektriksel ve Optik Özellikleri

Çetin, Aslı
Cevher, Şevki Can
İstanbulluoğlu, Çağla
Özdemir Hacıoğlu, Şerife
Toppare, Levent Kamil
Çırpan, Ali


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Trikloroasetik aist ve 2,4-diklorofenoksiasetik asitlerin sürekli işletilen yukarı akışlı çamur yataklı anaerobik (YAÇYA) reaktörlere etkisi
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Polifenol oksidaz enziminin ısı-ultrason kombinasyonu ile inaktivasyonu sırasında enzimin yapısında meydana gelen değişimin fourier değişim kızıl ötesi (FTIR) spektroskopisi ile incelenmesi
Baltacıoğlu, Hande; Bayındırlı, Alev(2013)
This project was related to understand the conformational changes of PPO after inactivation by heat and heat-ultrasound at different power, temperature and time combinations. The secondary structure change was analyzed by using FTIR spectroscopy and compared with the change in the enzyme activity. When stability of mushroom PPO after heat treatment was investigated, the enzyme remained fully active up to 40oC. There was a slight decrease during the period of 30 min at 40°C; between 50oC and 70°C higher inac...
Synthesis and characterization of polybenzoxazine
Efe, Tuğba; Tinçer, Teoman; Department of Polymer Science and Technology (2009)
A new method for polybenzoxazine synthesis was developed and carried out throughout this work. Bisphenol-A, hexamethylenediamine, and paraformaldehyde were reacted through Mannich condensation reaction forming polybenzoxazine precursors. The reaction was followed by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) as a molecular weight determination method in order to decide the end of reaction. The synthesized product, polybenzoxazine precursors, was polymerized thermally. Polybenzoxazine precursors were also character...
Citation Formats
A. Çetin, Ş. C. Cevher, Ç. İstanbulluoğlu, Ş. Özdemir Hacıoğlu, L. K. Toppare, and A. Çırpan, “Trifenilamin, Benzoditiyofen ve Benzotriazole Türevleri İçeren Serbest Konjüge Polimerlerin Elektriksel ve Optik Özellikleri,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: