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Content analysis of physics education studies published in Turkish Science Education Journal from 2004 to 2011
Önder Çelikkanlı, Nuray
Oktay, Özlem
Eraslan, Funda
Gülçiçek, Çağlar
Göksu, Volkan
Kanlı, Uygar
Eryılmaz, Ali
Güneş, Bilal
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This study investigates research trends in articles about physics education in Journal of Turkish Science Education (TUSED) by using content analysis method. There were 125 studies published between 2004 and 2011, and 46 studies related to physics education have been determined. The research trends in these 46 articles have been examined in terms of demographic properties of authors (gender, institution, number of authors, etc.), general themes and physics topics, research methods, sampling procedures and sample sizes, instruments, level of samples, statistical methods, use of covariance, retention test and dependent variables. Research results show that as a general theme, learning approach is the most studied. While concepts related to dynamic are most commonly studied in the articles, light and optics, thermodynamics, vibration and waves are the least studied physics topics. Furthermore, there is no study about modern physics. When we look at methods of 46 studies, quantitative studies are preferred most than qualitative ones. Moreover, samples of the studies were usually chosen from university students. Although, t-test and ANOVA were seen as the most common statistics, MANOVA, MANCOVA, and MRC have not been encountered. There is no study using covariates. This study is the one of the most comprehensive studies in the physics education literature and hope to give deeper insights to the researchers.
Subject Keywords
Content analysis
Physics education
Research trends
Turkish Online Journal of Science Education
Journal of Turkish Science Education
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Article
Content analysis of physics education studies published in Turkish science education journal from 2004 to 2011
Önder, Nuray; Oktay, Özlem; Alptekin, Funda; GÜLÇİÇEK, ÇAĞLAR; Göksu, Volkan; KANLI, UYGAR; Eryılmaz, Ali; GÜNEŞ, BİLAL (2014-02-28)
This study investigates research trends in articles about physics education in Journal of Turkish Science Education (TUSED) by using content analysis method. There were 125 studies published between 2004 and 2011, and 46 studies related to physics education have been determined. The research trends in these 46 articles have been examined in terms of demographic properties of authors (gender, institution, number of authors, etc.), general themes and physics topics, research methods, sampling procedures and s...
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Citation Formats
N. Önder Çelikkanlı et al., “Content analysis of physics education studies published in Turkish Science Education Journal from 2004 to 2011,”
Journal of Turkish Science Education
, pp. 151–163, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: