Modernist Açılımda Bir Öncü: Seyfi Arkan



Modernizmin Tanımı, Sınırları, Erken Yirminci Yüzyıl Mimarlığında Farklı Tavırlar
Aslanoğlu, İnci (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1988)
Bugüne ait olan, çağdaş, yeni, geçmişin ürünlerinden bağımsızlık olarak tanımlanabilen modern sozcuğu Latince modernus tan gelmekte; yine Latince'de "modus"ölçü, "modo" hemen şimdi anlamında. "Modernizm" ise, modern düşünce biçimi, bir üslubun ya da bir ürünün modern zamana özgü özellikleri, moderne duyulan yakınlık şeklinde açıklanabilir. Modernizme farklı bakış açılarından bîri unutulmuş değerlere dönme, onları canlandırarak yeniden gündeme getirmedir; Rönesans'ın Vitruvius'a ve klasik çağ eserlerine bakm...
Social implications of the modernist urbanism: İslamabad master plan by Doxiadis
Abbasi, Maheen; Çalışkan, Olgu; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2019)
The creation of Pakistan’s new capital city, Islamabad is indebted to political decisions imposed by ruling bodies of a post-colonial state, with the ambition to pursue 'modernity'. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the new ideological outlook which prevailed the functionalist concerns in urbanism and architecture is entangled with post-war development discourses. Many planned capital cities during this time reinforced the modernist notion of urbanism. Among them, Islamabad (1959-1963) is one of the...
Residential Architecture As A Means Of Showcasing Western Modernization: The Case Of Tehran (1963-1979)
Valizadeh, Paria (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2021-6-30)
Modernization programs in Iran emerged with the 1963 White Revolution and transformed the socio-spatial organization of the capital city of Tehran. This modernization was associated with Westernization and led to uneven urban development, exacerbated class divisions and developed a kind of fetishism of urbanization in the Iranian society of 1970s. Modernizing the society in the image of the west and in particular the United States fascinated the upper classes since they could afford to live in the ways desc...
Modernism and the peasantry : the case of Turkey
Çaya, Sinan; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Sociology (2013)
The Turkish Republican Revolution followed the National Struggle for the independence of the remaining Turkish-Moslem sections of the former Ottoman State. The radical nature and the sudden occurrence of the following revolution caused the periphery of the country to accept all novelties only with reluctance and resistance. Indeed, the Turkish peasant does possess some collective traits, which are possible to distinguish him from town and city and even town dwellers. Turkey has been considered an agrarian s...
Propagating “modernities”: art and architectural patronage of Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi
Tabibi, Baharak; Turan Özkaya, Belgin; Department of History of Architecture (2013)
This dissertation focuses on the last decade of the Pahlavi era to understand the role of royal Pahlavi women in the shaping of Iranian "modernity" within the broader context of architecture. Exploring various relations between gender, power, art and architectural practice, this study is an attempt to assess the authoritarian modernization under the royal patronage of Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi and the influential role she maintained in popularization of modern Iranian culture. The last decade of the Pahlavi er...
Citation Formats
T. E. Altan, Modernist Açılımda Bir Öncü: Seyfi Arkan. 2013, p. 0.