Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Thesis

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Entity Type
Thesis (418)

Has File(s)
Yes (390)
No (28)

Atalar, Mehmed Kürşad (2)
Aytemur, Nuran (2)
Binbuğa Kınık, Burcu Nur (2)
Demiray, Mehmet Ruhi (2)
Deren, Seçil (2)

General Social Sciences. (36)
Political science. (26)
Social Sciences and Humanities (17)
Turkey (13)
Neoliberalism (9)

Date Issued
1980 - 1989 (38)
1990 - 1999 (58)
2000 - 2009 (158)
2010 - 2019 (126)
2020 - 2022 (37)

Item Type
Master Thesis (333)
Ph.D. Thesis (85)

Recent Submissions

Kerpişçi, Aybike; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2022-1-10)
In the contemporary context, migration management has evolved immensely complexly and involved many actors. This thesis aims to analyze the characteristics of current German foreigners and immigration regimes within their ...
Gülsen Mutlu, Esin; Deveci, Cem; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2022-1)
The aim of this study is to examine the restorative role of public memorials in the aftermath of mass violence and the periods of oppression. The study is based on the assumption that mass violence and gross human rights v...
Home Country Parliamentary Representation of Diasporas: The Case of Turkey
Yedekçi Schelhaas, Ayşe; Ayata, Ayşe; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-10-25)
Turkey’s diaspora in Europe, constituting around five million citizens, has been central to Turkish domestic politics since the early days of mass labour migration in the 1960s. The Turkish Parliament, as the ultimate repr...
Intersectional Analysis of Critical Queer Subjectivities in the case of Turkey
Bora, Ezgi; Ertuğrul, Kürşad; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-10)
Considering the social movements as critical agents of change through challenging and subverting the authoritative legitimate values and norms by creating new subjectivities, and queer subjects as todays critical politic...
The use of blockchain technology in public administration: implications for Turkey
Pekdemir, Emine; Yavuz, Nilay; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-10)
This study aims to evaluate the academic literature and current blockchain implementations in public administration in the Republic of Korea, Estonia, Australia, United Kingdom and Israel, to discover possible opportunitie...
Time-Space and Politics in Understanding of Jacques Ranciere
Çokşen, Sibel; Birler , Ömür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-10)
This study aims to analyze the relationship between politics and the configuration of time-space in Jacques Ranciere’s understanding. In Ranciere’s approach to politics, there is a different spatial and temporal perspectiv...
In search for the demos: an existentialist dialectical view of nomos and phusis
Oktaykan, Can Berk; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-9-17)
The thesis is propelled towards a rethinking of the preponderant tenets of an existentialist dialectical conception of totalizing projects undertaken by different parts of social totalities. With an overriding interest in ...
İşçi, Didem; Köksal, Pınar; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-9-7)
This thesis aims to examine Turkey's switch to the presidential executive system from the perspective of opposition parties. In this regard, the discourses of the Republican People’s Party, the Good Party, and the People’s...
Possibility of positive assessment of death fast as a political action
Bük, Fatma Betül; Deveci, Cem; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-9)
This study addresses the possibility of a positive assessment of the death fast action juxtaposed to the negative image which underlines mortality. This thesis is based on interviews with people who participated in the d...
The Role of Civil Society Organizations in The Formation of Urban Commons
Akdere, Utku; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-8)
This thesis aims to examine the function of civil society organizations in the formation of urban commons. In the last half century under the domination of neoliberal ideology, cities have witnessed significant changes. Wh...
Daştan, Seyit Ali; Aşçıoğlu Öz, Gamze; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-7-02)
Turkey has liberalized its natural gas market two decades ago and this thesis analyzed the targets and achievements of the Turkish natural gas market liberalization process basing on the tenets of institutional theories. A...
"New wave" migration from Turkey: Identity, nationhood, and senses of belonging through the case of Turkish mothers in Berlin
AKSOY, YAĞMUR; ÇIRAKMAN, ASLI; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-3-12)
The thesis examines how the formulations of identity, nationhood, and belonging are shaped for the Turkish mothers in Berlin related to how they perceive Turkey and are affected by its socio-political context. It highlight...
Construction and re-construction of cultural codes through political violence: the case of Kurdish nationalism
Önenli Güven, Merve; Çırakman Deveci, Aslı; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-3-11)
In this thesis, the aim was to explore and understand the discursive construction of Kurdish identity in 1970s. 1970s was determined for the period of the research because with 1970s, discourses on being Kurdish had been r...
The analyses of modernity, power, and resistance in the dystopias of margaret atwood
Görmez, Ayça Berna; Özçoban Üstüner, Fahriye; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-3-5)
This study aims at analyzing modernity, power, and resistance in Margaret Atwood’s dystopias. The examined books are The Handmaid’s Tale and MaddAddam trilogy (Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam). It is a...
Two-fold crisis of integration: field research on non-muslim asylum seekers of Turkey
Başkaya, Gülçe; Birler, Reşide Ömür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-3-5)
This thesis aims to answer a dissimilar question of whether there are divergent obstacles that non-Muslim asylum seekers are facing while integrating to Turkish society as a religious minority besides being an asylum seeke...
Facts, evidence, reality: debates in the philosophy and methodology of history
Demir, Mevlüt Can; Çakır, Nur; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-2-08)
Historians relations with the past, which is their object of production of knowledge, have always been a problematic issue. The underlying point of this problem is the empiricist claims of historians to establish a direct,...
Refugee emplacement in urban areas: The multi-scalar mobility patterns and location choices of Syrian refugees in Izmir, Turkey
Güngördü, Feriha Nazda; Bayırbağ, Mustafa Kemal; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2021-1)
Although refugee mobility has been considered as a movement taking place at international/regional scales for different reasons in the literature (i.e., forced displacement, labor migration), it is also an open-ended, mult...
The evolution of the idea of development: From developmentalism to financialisation in a comparative perspective
Kaynak , Mehtap Tuğba; Göksel, Asuman; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2020-10-29)
This thesis has attempted to show the evolution of the idea of developmentalism starting from the early ideas of developmentalism in 16th century and continuing with the analysis of developmental state from the end of the ...
Understanding populist party electorate in Europe: A study of left-wing populist and right-wing populist parties after the crisis
Gitmez, Ali Onur; Avcı, Özgür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2020-10)
This thesis aims to explain the behaviour behind voting for radical populist parties. Previous studies have found often conflicting results regarding the characteristics of populist party voters, some suggesting modern pop...
An assessment of political fair representation in Ankara metropolitan municipal council
Memiş, Can Emre; Yavuz, Nilay; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2020-10)
In representative democracies, representation in the councils formed as a result of elections is one of the indispensible elements. In municipal councils, which are the closest administrative units to the public, differe...
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