Generating the surface mapping class group by torsion elements

Yıldız, Oğuz
n this thesis, we study generators of the mapping class groupMod(Σg)of a closedconnected orientable surfaceΣgof genusg. The mapping class groupMod(Σg)isknown to be generated by three involutions ifg≥8and by two torsion elements oforder4g+ 2. We show that the mapping class group is also generated by three involutions for sur-faces with smaller genera and by two torsion elements of smaller orders.


Generating the Mapping Class Group of a Nonorientable Surface by Two Elements or by Three Involutions
Altunöz, Tülin; Pamuk, Mehmetcik; Yildiz, Oguz (2022-01-01)
We prove that, for g≥ 19 the mapping class group of a nonorientable surface of genus g, Mod (Ng) , can be generated by two elements, one of which is of order g. We also prove that for g≥ 26 , Mod (Ng) can be generated by three involutions.
Korkmaz, Mustafa (2012-01-01)
We study the ideal triangulation graph T(S) of an oriented punctured surface S of finite type. We show that if S is not the sphere with at most three punctures or the torus with one puncture, then the natural map from the extended mapping class group of S into the simplicial automorphism group of T(S) is an isomorphism. We also show that, the graph T(S) of such a surface S. equipped with its natural simplicial metric is not Gromov hyperbolic. We also show that if the triangulation graph of two oriented punc...
Generating the twist subgroup by involutions
Altunöz, Tülin; Pamuk, Mehmetcik; Yildiz, Oguz (2020-01-01)
For a nonorientable surface, the twist subgroup is an index 2 subgroup of the mapping class group generated by Dehn twists about two-sided simple closed curves. In this paper, we consider involution generators of the twist subgroup and give generating sets of involutions with smaller number of generators than the ones known in the literature using new techniques for finding involution generators.
Mapping class groups of nonorientable surfaces
Korkmaz, Mustafa (2002-02-01)
We obtain a finite set of generators for the mapping class group of a nonorientable surface with punctures. We then compute the first homology group of the mapping class group and certain subgroups of it. As an application we prove that the image of a homomorphism from the mapping class group of a nonorientable surface of genus at least nine to the group of real-analytic diffeomorphisms of the circle is either trivial or of order two.
Generating the surface mapping class group by two elements
Korkmaz, Mustafa (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2005-01-01)
Wajnryb proved in 1996 that the mapping class group of an orientable surface is generated by two elements. We prove that one of these generators can be taken as a Dehn twist. We also prove that the extended mapping class group is generated by two elements, again one of which is a Dehn twist. Another result we prove is that the mapping class groups are also generated by two elements of finite order.
Citation Formats
O. Yıldız, “Generating the surface mapping class group by torsion elements,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2020.