Akarsu Köprülerinde Yıkılma Riskinin Azaltılması Üzerine Bir Çalışma



Akarsu Köprü Temellerindeki Oyulma Riskinin Değerlendirilmesi
Yanmaz, Ali Melih (2016-07-01)
Reliabilty-based optimization of river bridges using artificial intelligence techniques
Turan, Kamil Hakan; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2011)
Proper bridge design is based on consideration of structural, hydraulic, and geotechnical conformities at an optimum level. The objective of this study is to develop an optimization-based methodology to select appropriate dimensions for components of a river bridge such that the aforementioned design aspects can be satisfied jointly. The structural and geotechnical design parts uses a statisticallybased technique, artificial neural network (ANN) models. Therefore, relevant data of many bridge projects were ...
River Rehabilitation With Cities In Mind: The Eskişehir Case
Şimşek, GÜL (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2014-6-1)
Akarsular ve kentler eski uygarlıklardan bu yana daima süregelen içsel bağlar içerisinde olmuşlardır. Pek çok kentin can damarı olarak akarsular, ulaştırma, enerji, kullanma suyu, sulama, ticaret ve rekreasyon gibi birçok işleve sahiptirler. 19. yüzyılın sonlarıyla birlikte, çoğunlukla kentleşmenin etkileri akarsu ve akarsu kıyılarının önemini azaltmaya başlamıştır. Akarsular atıksu kanallarına dönüşmüş ve kent yaşamından koparılmış hale gelmişlerdir. Onyıllarca ihmal edildikten sonra kentsel akarsular, sor...
Development of a GIS-based estimator for streamflow at ungaged catchments
Öcal, Duygu; Kentel Erdoğan, Elçin; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2017)
Water resources management has been a critical component of sustainable resources planning. One of the most commonly used data in water resources management is streamflow measurements. Daily streamflow time series collected at a streamgage provide information on the temporal variation in water quantity at the gage location. However, streamflow information is often needed at ungaged catchments. One conventional approach to estimate streamflow at an ungaged catchment is to transfer streamflow measurements from the...
Development of a safetyinspection methodology for river bridges
Berk, Aysu; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2006)
River bridges get damaged or even collapse because of various reasons, such as development of adverse hydraulic conditions during severe floods, disastrous earthquakes, deficiencies in structural and geotechnical design, material deficiencies, or other unexpected external factors. Failure of service at vital lifelines, bridges, can lead to loss of several lives and properties, traffic disruption, and/or deficiencies in daily usage. Existing structures should be monitored periodically for decision-making and...
Citation Formats
M. Selamoğlu, M. Çalamak, and A. M. Yanmaz, “Akarsu Köprülerinde Yıkılma Riskinin Azaltılması Üzerine Bir Çalışma,” presented at the 4. Su Yapıları Sempozyumu, Antalya, Türkiye, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/91496.