Issue 2

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Volume Number
Venedik Tüzüğü Tarihi Bir Anıt Gibi Korunmalıdır
Erder, Cevat (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
The Venice Charter has provided a set of guiding principles for the protection of historic monuments and sites since its adoption in 1964 at the Second International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monum...
A Model Of Building Inventory
Çopur, Ülker (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
This study attempts to demonstrate a model designating the transformation of the building profile of urban centers as a function of changing demographic, socio-economic, cultural and technological aspects of urban environm...
Structural Morphology As A Field Of Architectural Inquiry
Pultar, Mustafa (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
Strüktür (yapı) kavramı mimarlıkta çeşitli şekillerde ortaya çıkmakta ve çoğu zaman taşıyıcı sistem karşılığında kullanılmaktadır. Bu kullanışı da içerecek biçimde, soyut anlamı ile yapıyı inceleyebilmenin en uygun yolu so...
Germen, Aydın (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
"Structuralisme" çıkış ve ağırlık açısından bir dilbilim yöntemidir.Bununla beraber bu yazıda "yapısal"cı yaklaşımın dilbilim dışında bilgi kuramı olarak değerlendirilmesi yapılacaktır. Piaget, Levi-Strauss, Hillier ile Le...
Integration Through Mobility
Şenyapılı, Tansı (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
The aim of this article is to determine the basic principles of a theory to cover the most prominent problem witnessed in the physical dimension of the urbanization process, namely "squatter housing" and "marginal secto...
Time And Areal Aggregation Problems In Estimating Migration
Tekeli, İlhan; Erder, Leila (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
Migration is a current topic of scholarly discussion and general interest as more and more of the world's population moves. In spite of the growing number of migration studies, the observation and measurement of migration ...
2000 Yılına Doğru Çevre?
Turan, Mete (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
İçİnde bulunduğumuz yüzyıl, insan ve insanlık için bir yandan umut kaynağı oluştururken öte yandan kişileri, umutsuzluğa değilse bile, karamsarlığa sürüklemiştir. Umut kaynağı olmasının temelinde tarih ve toplum bilincinin...
Türk Sanatında 'Yeni Eğilimler' Ve Sanat Bayramı
Erzen, Jale (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
As artists and art lovers, we cannot but rejoice at the pioneering sponsorship of the State Academy of Fine Arts in giving public and accredited place to the modernist art attitudes, which for many years have painfully fou...
Anadolu'daki Mihrapların Dili
Renda, Günsel (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1977)
The mihrab, usually a concave and very often heavily decorated niche found in a mosque on the qiblah wall directed toward Mecca, is one of the fundamental elements in Islamic religious architecture. The form of the mihrab ...
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